Professor Watchlist

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From Fred Kowal and others you may have heard about the Professor Watchlist, a website that seeks to “expose and document college professors who discriminate against conservative students and advance leftist propaganda in the classroom.”

This website poses a clear threat to academic freedom. Over the past century, such lists have been used to harass and intimidate faculty, and have a chilling effect on academic freedom and free speech.

WHAT ADDING YOUR NAME TO THIS OPEN LETTER DOES: Please join me in signing an open letter to Turning Point USA, the creators of the Watchlist, which asks them to add our names to their Watchlist because we decry their attempt to stifle academic freedom.  Let’s stand in solidarity with colleagues who have been singled out by this website:

Remember the old adage about the environment, “the solution to pollution is dilution”?  Well, that’s the strategy that AAUP has adopted to minimize the effects of this Professor Watchlist.  I’m game.