Call To Action Health and Safety

Commit to joining a demonstration to make our voices heard!

Dear colleagues,

As we collectively pursue answers to questions surrounding our health and safety, SUNY’s financial stability, and demand that SUNY hold a virtual public hearing to hear from all of us, we must also prepare to amplify our voices through our next action.

SUNY employees across the state are making plans to be heard. That’s why United University Professions is calling on all SUNY employees and community members to make a commitment to join a demonstration that will make our voices heard.

Protecting our health, safety, and jobs also protects our communities and our local economy. We cannot wait. We must come together, commit to joining in a grassroots demonstration and decide what type of action will have the biggest potential for change.

You can commit to participate by clicking here.

Please remember:

  • Many of our colleagues and students work, live and shop in your community; 
  • Many of the businesses in your community employ our students; 
  • Many of the parents of our students live in a SUNY community; and 
  • Many of the business owners in your community were once SUNY students. 

Please share the event commitment link widely with family, neighbors, community and student groups and other associations you work closely with. Our SUNY roots run deep. SUNY funding and health crises will be felt by our entire community.