Archive for UUP

UUP Statewide New Employee Orientation

Sign up for your UUP New Employee Orientation “NEOs at Noon” Webinars available every Wednesday at 12 pm.

Learn about your UUP benefits, sign up for dental and vision coverage, and hear more about the benefits of being a UUP member.

Register at:

Are You a Member?

Check Pay Stub To Make Sure

To be a member of the union, your paycheck must say “UUP Member” under “Deductions.”


Fredonia Chapter Election Results

Congratulations to the 2021-2023 elected Officers and Delegates!

The results of the chapter election have been posted at:

2021 Fredonia Chapter Elections


Christopher Taverna – Chapter President and Delegate

Ziya Arnavut – Chapter President and Delegate

Cynthia Smith – Vice President for Academics and Delegate

Melissa Hooper – Vice President for Professionals

Michael Clarkson-Hendrix – Secretary

Lei Huang – Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Officer

Reneta Barneva – Grievance Chair for Academics

Gregory Cole – Officer for Contingents

Anne Fearman – Officer for Contingents

Joy Bilharz – Officer for Retirees


Wear red every Friday, for labor solidarity!

If you share pictures of yourself in red on social media please tag UUPFredonia
and use the hashtags #RedForEd and #UnionStrong

Here are our chapter social media pages:

UUP Contract Information Center

The current working contract between UUP and the state of New York runs from 2016-2022. Pertinent information regarding the contract itself, bargaining process, and any other related details are available from this link,

2019 Salary Compression

The 2016-2022 NYS/UUP contract includes an historic agreement to establish four annual salary pools, each 0.5% of the total basic annual salaries at each campus, for distribution to eligible UUP-represented employees to address salary compression and inversion. Read more.

2020 Productivity Enhancement Program

The updated PEP Fast Facts flier is available here.

Hurry, the deadline to enroll is Nov. 15, 2019!

Changes in New York State Election Law and Impact on UUP Members

This past session, Governor Cuomo and the NY State Legislature amended NY State Election Law increasing the amount of time employees can take off from work to vote to three (3) hours of paid time off on the day of an election to vote. Read more.

Part-time/Full-time Contingent Employees: Know Your Contract Rights and Benefits

The attached four-page handout has been updated to include additional eligibility information under Article 39: Health Insurance (page 3).

Click here to view.