What It Is

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by Jaclyn Pittsley, President – To say that it’s been a difficult semester is to understate just how challenging this fall 2020 semester has been. I will not patronize you or fob you off by saying that it has been otherwise. Everyone has been working around the clock to try and deliver the education our […]

Taking Control of Our Financial Destiny: Three Concrete Steps

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By Benjamin Wilson and Jakob Feinig, Economics – To protect workers, essential public services, and local businesses, UUP should urge the Governor and the NY legislature to immediately take three measures. (1) Use Federal Reserve emergency money(approximately $20 billion at the state level),  (2) Reinstate the New York Stock Transfer Tax ($14-19 billion/year), and  (3) […]

Labor Management Agenda Thursday, October 15, 2020

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United University Professions Labor-Management Agenda Thursday, October 15, 2020 1:30-2:30pm Items of Collegiality: UUP acknowledges the instrumental role management and all folks at Cortland have played in maintaining a campus with fewer than 100 positive cases of Corona Virus during the period ending September 25. UUP acknowledges inclusion of a UUP representative on the COVID […]