Campus Equity Week – The Fairness for Adjuncts Act needs you

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Date: 10/16/2015 01:40 PM
From: “NEA Higher Ed eAdvocate” <>
Subject: The Fairness for Adjuncts Act needs you

Campus Equity Week!
October 26-30
Check out NEA’s CEW resources.

Sign here!
Support the Adjunct Faculty Fairness Act of 2015.
Help adjunct faculty to access public service loan forgiveness
just like full-time faculty do.
It’s only fair.

Ask Congress to support U.S. Sen. Dick Durbin’s bill
to make adjunct faculty eligible for the
federal public service loan forgiveness program.
The Do’s and Dont’s of Being an Ally

We all need to be allies – non-tenured and tenured faculty alike, aswell as students – in the fight for what it takes to provide a high-quality higher education forstudents. Read these tips from NEA Higher Ed and New Faculty Majority leaders Judy Olsonand Anne Wiegard.

Let the world know where you stand!

Download the equity poster and let the world know where you stand on issues of campus equity. Creating more equitable and just conditions on campus doesn’t just benefit faculty – it benefits students too.

Organizing for Equity!

Where do adjunct or contingent faculty get treated more fairly? In places where they’ve organized into NEA-affiliated unions that collectively bargain for fairer wages, and for the workplace conditions that underlay student learning.