Part-Time Labor-Management Agenda Tuesday, January 19, 2021

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Old Business:

  1. With regard to the number of Part-Time Lecturers who taught at least one course in fall 2020, UUP requests an update on the following from the Dean of each of the three Schools for Spring 2021:
  1. Number of Part-Time Lecturers not invited back?
    1. Number of Part-Time Lecturers with reduced courses assigned?
    1. Number of Part-Time Lecturers with fewer than six contact/credit hours assigned?
  • UUP requests that Management consider utilizing our unemployed/underemployed adjunct pool, in addition to our unemployed Part-Time Assistant Coaches pool for folks to work at the COVID-19 testing center this spring.
    • Has management contacted any PT Assistant Coaches regarding employment at the testing center at this point? If so, how many?
    • Will these PT members also be sought out to work at the Vaccination Distribution center on campus, if Cortland agrees to act as one?
  • UUP would like to resume its discussion of the PT Handbook in Spring 2021, with a goal of finishing it before fall 2021, assuming other factors.