Labor-Management Agenda Thursday, December 17, 2020

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Items of Collegiality:

  1. UUP acknowledges the continued communication and collaboration between us and management as we continue to navigate the COVID 19 pandemic in the SUNY Cortland and surrounding community.

Old Business:

  1. Planning for Spring 2021:
  1. How soon will a draft plan be completed?
  • Can you discuss any features of the plan at this point?
  1. Testing Protocol?
    1. Reporting?
    1. Enforcement?
    1. Screening?
    1. Residence Hall Density?
    1. Staffing, especially for Q & I duties?
    1. Server Capacity?
    1. Designated learning and social spaces (besides dorm rooms)?
  • Will UUP members be given an opportunity to provide feedback on the plan?
  • April 30, 2020, Memorandum of Understanding on Tenure Clock Stops and Personnel Actions:
  1. Aside from the email from Human Resources late in the summer, how will the

campus put into practice this MOU, in terms of communication and implementation?

  • Can Management provide an update on the tracking system being developed?
  • How will evaluators be advised to proceed if campus or departmental policies contradict the MOU?
  • Faculty are required to perform CTEs on a timetable (e.g. once every third time they teach a course (Handbook 260.02, I.13), or more often based on departmental policies). If the person would have been required to perform CTEs in the spring of 2020 under ordinary circumstances, what will the expectations be for them?
  • The present crisis may have serious effects on scholarly activity, including publishers shutting down, delay of crucial fieldwork, and the like. If this has a long-term impact on a person’s research, will the campus still require three scholarly achievements in that case?
  • UUP requests a copy of the draft document generated by Andrew Fitzgibbon, mentioned at LM 10/15/2020, which Faculty Senate may adopt, which would outline hardships presented by COVID 19 to employee’s professional obligations.
  • Will there be a similar document drafted for professionals? UUP requests to review that document.
  • Has the campus been given authorization by the Division of Budget to pay DSI discretionary awards, or to distribute award letters?
  1. If not, do we have a timeline when these items might occur?
  • What is the status of the inequity analysis for 2020?
  • Will implementation of awards be retroactive to December 31,2020?
  • UUP Survey of Professionals, Summary Results:
  1. Results indicate communication issues with professionals:
    1. What is your plan for increasing accuracy of communications with employees before spring 2021?
  • Results indicate concerns about increased workload without compensation of any kind:
  1. What plan does Management have to document this temporary work, so as to prevent an increase in performance obligations without compensation?

New Business:

  • UUP has some concerns about the reconfiguration of the President’s Council:
  1. How will the President’s Council “create a concentrated deliberative body that brings multiple perspectives from across all campus constituencies,” that “requires more diverse voices at the highest levels of decision-making,” without direct representation of the faculty, labor unions, and other underrepresented groups on campus?
  • Can management characterize the “opportunity for faculty and staff to offer agenda items for Council meetings,” as stated in the message sent to employees?
  • Can you characterize what management means when it says the President’s Council will “have the ability to influence and enact policies that reflect those constituencies as well as our institutional mission,” in the message sent to employees?
  • How will the President’s Council plan to collaborate with UUP on issues that are related to the terms and conditions of employment of its members?
  • UUP has some concerns about the planned suspension of graduate programs and its impact on the positions of UUP members:
  1. Has management consulted Deans, Department Chairs, and/or Faculty in making any decisions about suspending programs?
    1. UUP understands there was no consultation with Faculty or Chair in deciding to eliminate the MSED in Adapted Physical Education Program.
  • Is there a formal process in which the college engages before programs are suspended?
  • What other programs have been suspended 2019-2021?
  • Does management further intend to begin the process to have those programs deactivated?