Day of Action THANK YOU

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UUP Cortland chapter leaders thank our wonderful members who answered the call to action Thursday, March 1. At every campus across the state, UUP members urged SUNY to agree to a fair contract, and Cortland members played their part in getting that message across. Check out the Twitter postings and the news story at

At both entrances to the campus, morning, noon, and late afternoon demonstrations drew attention and positive responses from passerby on foot and in vehicles. Dozens of handmade signs created by our members on Tuesday during the Union Matters meeting gave voice to our grassroots demand that SUNY treat us with respect and give us a contract now.  Professional staff, faculty, and students took a moment out of their busy day to contribute their names to hundreds of individually signed postcards that have been taken to Albany for delivery to SUNY Administration.  Media coverage included local newspapers, television, and radio.

Our members ROCK! We want to hear your story about the Day of Action. Please reply to our message with a sentence that we can print in our next newsletter issue.