
Professional Development Awardees

Summer 2016 Downstate Update Newsletter
Winter 2016 Downstate Update Newsletter
Fall 2015 Downstate Update Newsletter
Summer 2015 Downstate Update Newsletter

Downstate UUPers march in Labor Day parade


Staying Connected

As we continue our Staying Connected campaign, we encourage all members
to submit their personal email addresses to the UUP office at ext. 1519 so they
will receive frequent updates on campus/chapter issues.

UUPers are encouraged to check the UUP bulletin boards located throughout the
campus for current union information. The bulletin boards can be found in the
following locations:

  • Next to Bursars office (across from Room 1-101)
  • Next to elevator No. 20 in the hallways near the Basic Sciences Building
    (side entrance to cafeteria, across from FM&D Room 1-15)
  • Inside the cafeteria (on back wall)
  • In the hallway near the Hospital-side entrance to the cafeteria
    (across from A1-310 and next to A1-342A)
  • Next to the UUP office (Room 2-71P)

UUPers can call the UUP chapter office at ext. 1519 and have information faxed to them to
post on their department bulletin boards.

UUPers can visit the UUP chapter office (Room 2-71P) to obtain information.

Visit the UUP website at