Old Business: With regard to the number of Part-Time Lecturers who taught at least one course in fall 2020, UUP requests an update on the following from the Dean of each of the three Schools for Spring 2021: Number of Part-Time Lecturers not invited back? Number of Part-Time Lecturers with reduced courses assigned? Number of […]
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Labor-Management Agenda Thursday, January 21, 2021
Items of Collegiality: UUP acknowledges Management’s cooperation with the MOA Regarding Possible Adjustments to Tenure Clock Timelines, and Re-appointment, Promotion, and Tenure Review Materials, allowing the exclusion of CTE results for the Fall 2020 semester, at the discretion of each individual faculty member, and we thank you for reinforcing this cooperation to all three Deans. […]
Labor-Management Agenda Thursday, December 17, 2020
Items of Collegiality: UUP acknowledges the continued communication and collaboration between us and management as we continue to navigate the COVID 19 pandemic in the SUNY Cortland and surrounding community. Old Business: Planning for Spring 2021: How soon will a draft plan be completed? Can you discuss any features of the plan at this point? […]
Labor-Management Agenda Thursday, November 19, 2020
Items of Collegiality: UUP would like to inform Management of their Holiday Food Drive, a collaboration with Catholic Charities of Cortland County, going on now until December 4, during which we will be collecting non-perishable food items, hygiene items, and gifts to benefit needy families in Cortland County. UUP acknowledges the continued communication and collaboration […]
Labor-Management Agenda Thursday, October 15, 2020
Items of Collegiality: UUP acknowledges the instrumental role management and all folks at Cortland have played in maintaining a campus with fewer than 100 positive cases of Corona Virus during the period ending September 25. UUP acknowledges inclusion of a UUP representative on the COVID 19 Coordinating Committee. New Business: UUP requests a report on […]
by Jo Schaffer, Art and Art History Emerita – Union Strong is our call to members to remind them that we all win when we hang together. It also reminds them, more subtly, that we are only as strong as our weakest link, and as such, we need to support the weakest among us. So it […]
Winter is Coming: COVID-19 at Cortland
by Dan Harms, Vice President for Academics – Last week, I had no idea what I was going to write about in the newsletter. So much uncertainty and change has swirled around us in the nation, state, campus, and home – what would be relevant by the time you read this? One fact is evergreen: […]
What It Is
by Jaclyn Pittsley, President – To say that it’s been a difficult semester is to understate just how challenging this fall 2020 semester has been. I will not patronize you or fob you off by saying that it has been otherwise. Everyone has been working around the clock to try and deliver the education our […]
Taking Control of Our Financial Destiny: Three Concrete Steps
By Benjamin Wilson and Jakob Feinig, Economics – To protect workers, essential public services, and local businesses, UUP should urge the Governor and the NY legislature to immediately take three measures. (1) Use Federal Reserve emergency money(approximately $20 billion at the state level), (2) Reinstate the New York Stock Transfer Tax ($14-19 billion/year), and (3) […]
Labor Management Agenda Thursday, October 15, 2020
United University Professions Labor-Management Agenda Thursday, October 15, 2020 1:30-2:30pm Items of Collegiality: UUP acknowledges the instrumental role management and all folks at Cortland have played in maintaining a campus with fewer than 100 positive cases of Corona Virus during the period ending September 25. UUP acknowledges inclusion of a UUP representative on the COVID […]