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by Jo Schaffer, Art and Art History Emerita –

Union Strong is our call to members to remind them that we all win when we hang together. It also reminds them, more subtly, that we are only as strong as our weakest link, and as such, we need to support the weakest among us. So it was warming and heartening to see that not only were we UNION STRONG but UNION COMPASSIONATE during this past year’s call for donations to the Holiday season Food Bank. This year UUP worked closely with Catholic Charities of Cortland to be the distributor of the boxes of food and personal items donated. 

Not only were there boxes at sites across the campus but two off-site locations, at Henry Steck and Jo Schaffer’s homes, for drop off for retirees and others who did not feel comfortable coming to campus because of the pandemic.

According to past drives, this year’s contributions were the largest ever received. Many of you were extraordinarily generous and thoughtful in your anonymous contributions. Some donated mittens and gloves, hair products, plush toys, games and much more than cans of beans and tuna, boxes of cereal and spaghetti. These contributions will make some families enjoy moments of joy beyond the necessity of food.

UUP thanks to all of you who made this year’s FOOD BANK drive so successful.

To all, have a warm, healthy and happy holiday season.