Fred Kowal, UUP Statewide President above, led the crowd in a chant of “Fund SUNY now!” that echoed through the Function Room in SUNY Cortland’s Corey Union. He told advocates that the only way to get more state funding for SUNY is to tell their elected officials to make it a priority. Above, a group […]
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History of Physical Education and Sport Class Learns Jousting Skills
by Nancy Kane, PhD, Kinesiology Department – Cries of “Huzzah!” ring out from students on the sidelines watching classmates practice skills used in medieval European jousting. Some students are acting as knights, some as squires or heralds, some as royalty. Four of them are getting a good workout as horses carrying the knights. One serves […]
UUP Cortland Solidarity Rally
DSI: Where’s the Merit?
by Dan Harms, Chapter Vice President for Academics – The Cortland refrain on our Discretionary Salary Increase money (DSI) process is that it rewards “merit.” Does it? To start out, let’s say that the campus should be recognized for allowing employees to have a voice in the process of deciding how contractual DSI money is […]
Our Bylaws, Our Union, Our Selves
by Jaclyn Pittsley, President and Daniel Harms, VP for Academics – SUNY Cortland Chapter of UUP’s bylaws are in need of amendment and revision! Our chapter bylaws govern our campus structure and they describe the functions of our local campus organization. The chapter bylaws have not been amended in many years and are seriously out […]
A Noble Profession
by Karla Alwes, Distinguished Teaching Professor, English Department – Because there are so many protests to be made against the Trump administration, we may be forgiven not to have noticed a current trend in education funding that needs to be included in the growing slate of protests. Since the shockingly farcical idea to decimate funding […]
Working with Dignity: A Special Imperative from Chapter President Jaclyn Pittsley
In my role as Chapter President, during the last six months, I have served as a confidant to those who’ve been subject to treatment by others that requires me to remind folks of our commitment to excellence, solidarity, and mindfulness. SUNY Cortland is one of the finest institutions in public higher education, and it pains […]
A Plea for Honest Grades
Contributed by Denise D. Knight, Distinguished Teaching Professor Emerita, English Department, and Noralyn Masselink, Professor, English Department – As part of The Cortland Cause’s Spotlight on Course Teacher Evaluations Years ago, when our careers were in their infancy, a colleague in our department confided that he never assigned a paper grade lower than a B. […]
Clean Water Coalition Makes a Splash on Campus
Contributed by Sean Dunn, graduate assistant for Recreation, Park and Leisure Studies – A student coalition calling for a ban on the sale of single-use plastic water bottles on Cortland’s campus has gathered more than 650 signatures over the course of the fall semester. Under the leadership of Cortland graduate students Olivia Terry and Sean […]
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