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SUNY Cortland Union Members, SUNY Cortland Students and Cortland Community Allies

Fred Kowal, UUP Statewide President above, led the crowd in a chant of “Fund SUNY now!” that echoed through the Function Room in SUNY Cortland’s Corey Union. He told advocates that the only way to get more state funding for SUNY is to tell their elected officials to make it a priority.

Above, a group of Cortland Chapter advocates hold signs to amplify the importance of UUP’s push for more state funding for SUNY.

He also pushed for millionaires and billionaires in New York to pay their fair share through an enhanced Millionaires’ Tax and a pied-a-terre tax.

“I mean, c’mon, if you’re a millionaire and there’s a little increase in your tax rate, it will probably leave you as a millionaire,” Kowal said.

“We certainly cannot continue to allow the Legislature to underfund SUNY,” said Callie Humphrey, coordinator of student advocacy for SUNY Cortland’s Student Government Association. “A public higher education isn’t a privilege, it’s a right.”

Speakers included UUP Cortland Chapter President Jaclyn Pittsley; statewide Executive Board member and Cortland Chapter member Rebecca Bryan; and Cortland County legislators Susan Wilson and Beau Harbin.

Video taken by the Cortland Voice of the Rally: