Upstate wins ‘voter challenge’

Faculty and student groups at Upstate Medical University in Syracuse rocked the competition by enrolling the greatest percentage of new voters during a recent statewide voter registration drive. Upstate registered 396 of its 1,273 students, or 31 percent, to vote in last November’s general election as part of the “Voice Your Vote Challenge.”

SUNY Albany was also recognized for registering the most students, signing up 2,402, or close to 14 percent of its student body.

UUP joined with the New York Public Interest Research Group, NYSUT, the SUNY Student Assembly and SUNY Rock the Vote in the six-week nonpartisan voter registration drive involving SUNY’s state-operated campuses and community colleges.

Complete results are available at

— Donald Feldstein


From left are Upstate Medical University President Dave Smith, Upstate Graduate Council President Jenna Glasser, Undergraduate Student Council President Jacoby Jose, Campus Activities Governing Board President Darrick May and UUP Chapter President Carol Braund.

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