
2015 Discretionary Recommendation

Please see the attached letter that was sent to Dr. Terenzio related to the upcoming contractual discretionary bonus.


The UUP contract in Article 20.11 states in part, “…an amount equal to one-half percent of …basic annual salaries…for distribution…shall occur not later than December 31, 2015.” The chapter Executive Board and Department Representatives voted unanimously to recommend to the President that this bonus be distributed across-the-board. The monetary increases the union was able to get in hard-fought and unfriendly negotiations were, to many members, not adequate for the hard work we do for SUNY and the state. This, in addition to other demands for givebacks and two unpaid furlough days has left the workforce with a distinct feeling of being underappreciated. The across-the-board recommendation was made in the spirit of maintaining and enhancing morale. One officer on the Executive Board recently stated that the recent discretionary distribution systems seem to serve as disincentives. Your chapter officers and representatives welcome your feedback and comments.


Bill Tusang,
Chapter President