
Updated – 2015 Negotiations Bulletin at a Glance

2015 Negotiations Bulletin at a Glance_1


2015 Discretionary Recommendation

Please see the attached letter that was sent to Dr. Terenzio related to the upcoming contractual discretionary bonus.


The UUP contract in Article 20.11 states in part, “…an amount equal to one-half percent of …basic annual salaries…for distribution…shall occur not later than December 31, 2015.” The chapter Executive Board and Department Representatives voted unanimously to recommend to the President that this bonus be distributed across-the-board. The monetary increases the union was able to get in hard-fought and unfriendly negotiations were, to many members, not adequate for the hard work we do for SUNY and the state. This, in addition to other demands for givebacks and two unpaid furlough days has left the workforce with a distinct feeling of being underappreciated. The across-the-board recommendation was made in the spirit of maintaining and enhancing morale. One officer on the Executive Board recently stated that the recent discretionary distribution systems seem to serve as disincentives. Your chapter officers and representatives welcome your feedback and comments.


Bill Tusang,
Chapter President


Teacher Ed Resources

Dear Members,

I’ve attached two resources to reach out to members in teacher preparation programs and their support services.

The first attachment is a new UUP flier – Building a Teacher Education Action Plan for 2015-16.


The second attachment is the “Investigate Pearson Exams” flier we developed last semester. It is still important as we are continuing to press SED and the Regents for a review of the new exams, and we’re making some headway.


We’ll be updating the Teacher Ed. Task Force web page over the next week as well. There’s a lot of information there:

Jamie Dangler
UUP Vice President for Academics
Teacher Education Task Force chair


Proposed SUNY Patents, Inventions and Copyright Policy Changes

Dear Colleagues,

Please share this e-mail with your campus colleagues as it contains a request for member input.

I’m inviting members to submit comments, questions, and suggestions pertaining to SUNY’s proposed changes to Title J of SUNY Board of Trustees Policies (Patents, Inventions and Copyright Policy). Changes may involve mandatory subjects of collective bargaining that must be formally bargained with UUP.

Please go to the link below to learn more about SUNY’s proposed changes and to submit comments, questions, and suggestions to UUP. As I will be away for a week, beginning on Friday, September 11, our VP for Academics, Jamie Dangler, who has been most directly involved on this issue, will be collecting and studying the input we receive, along with responding to questions which arise. She can be reached at

In Solidarity,


The new issue of The Echo is out

The new issue of The Echo, UUP’s online membership magazine, is out!

You can read it here:

In a new video, UUP President Fred Kowal talks about the threat of Friedrichs v. California Teachers Association, a suit that could weaken and eventually break unions across the country.

You can also read about UUP’s new 18-member Negotiations Team, the union’s call for members to march in Labor Day parades, new opportunities for professional training and development through the New York State/UUP Joint Labor Management grant programs, and the upcoming 2015 Fall Delegate Assembly.


UUP Contract Negotiations Team Open Meeting with Cobleskill Chapter Members

Date:  September 10, 2015
Time:  12:30- 2:00 PM (light refreshments will be served)
Location: WA 120

Chief Negotiator: J. Philippe Abraham, UUP Statewide Vice President for Professionals

Associate/Deputy Chief Negotiator: Mike Smiles, Vice President for Academics, Farmingdale Chapter

Assistant Chief Negotiator: Pamela Malone, UUP Statewide Executive Board Member and Empire State College UUP President

Assistant Chief Negotiator: Jason Torre, Vice President for Academics, Stony Brook Main Chapter

Other visiting UUP Negotiations Team members will be announced before the meeting.

The 2011-2016 Agreement between the State of New York and United University Professions expires July 1, 2016. UUP’s extensive preparations to negotiate the successor contract are in progress. As many members of the Negotiations Team as possible will travel to all UUP Chapters during the statewide listening tour – an in person means of communication with members for UUP’s needs assessment phase.

Negotiations Team members will be here to listen to your ideas, thoughts, and concerns.  Information about the entire negotiations process can be discussed as well.

Please don’t miss this unique opportunity to express your views and offer ideas, suggestions, and recommendations directly to members of the UUP Negotiations Team. They’ll be here in person to meet YOU – the members!

Make sure your voice is heard!


Newsday Op Ed

Dear Colleagues:

As you know, for the past several months, we’ve been working very hard to get the Maintenance of Effort legislation passed by the legislature and signed by the governor. The first half of the fight was completed just before the legislative session ended. The second half has been underway since then.

Take a moment to read the following op ed from Newsday:

It appears that the press sees this as an important issue and have independently articulated that importance to future of public higher education in New York.

Please share this op ed with your chapter membership.

In Solidarity,
Fred Kowal