2014 UUP Librarian Equity Survey Progress Update

Since its completion in the summer of 2014, the Appendix 48 Advisory Committee on Librarian Equity Issues, has been steadily engaged in the review and assessment of the 2014 UUP Librarian Equity Survey results.  After careful consideration of the data collected by the online, survey instrument, and reviewed by the committee over the course of the last half of a year, the committee has concluded that additional information is required to assist in the analysis of the survey’s collected data.  During the course of the coming months, the Appendix 48 Advisory Committee members will continue their information gathering efforts to complete the survey’s review, and as soon as practicable, will present all findings to statewide UUP President, Dr. Frederick E. Kowal and the Appendix 48 Executive Committee on Librarian Equity Issues for appropriate action; the 2015 calendar year activities of the committee will focus upon this effort and other outreach work.

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