Delegates defer action on AAUP relationship

Delegates to the Spring DA decided to give the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) another chance to prove why UUP should remain in a relationship with the organization.

AAUP has nine months to make its case.

Delegates put off a vote on whether to end its relationship with the Washington, D.C.-based higher ed organization until the 2011 Winter DA.

The motion to refer action on the relationship came after delegates heard a presentation by AAUP General Secretary Gary Rhoades. Delegates amended their May 14 agenda to give Rhoades time to address their concerns, and his hour-long session drew some 200 attendees.

Rhoades attempted to accentuate what the two organizations share instead of focusing on their differences.

“It is essential to recognize our common enemies and common cause at a time when higher education is under assault,” he said.

AAUP has already made numerous changes, Rhoades said, including initiating a national campaign to allow freedom of speech on institutional matters, and hiring of a new leader in the collective bargaining process who sees the need to do a better job of linking with UUP.

He also acknowledged some UUPers’ concerns that AAUP has traditionally represented academics, but not professional faculty, and made a general promise to close that gap.

“We need to bridge divisions between academe,” Rhoades said. “UUP has it right, given that professionals are the growth area for faculty. We could do an educational campaign to improve the terms of labor for professionals nationally.”

Vice President for Professionals John Marino offered to work with Rhoades to develop an agenda that responds to UUP’s concerns.

Several members spoke in favor of continuing the affiliation. New Paltz Chapter President Richard Kelder said UUP needs the philosophical and historical dimension AAUP offers when it comes to academic freedom.

The open exchange convinced delegates to vote to refer a resolution to end UUP’s relationship with AAUP when the issue came up for discussion at the May 15 plenary session.

“Yesterday’s presentation was a breath of fresh air,” said Nuala Drescher of Buffalo State, who offered the amendment to refer. “That will give Rhoades enough time to see if AAUP delivers on his promises,” said Patricia Bentley of Plattsburgh.

— Donald Feldstein

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