Retiree newsletter wins big

For the second time in six years, UUP’s newsletter for its more than 3,400 retiree members earned the Ted Bleecker “Best of the Best” Award in the annual NYSUT Journalism Contest run by New York Teacher.

In all, The Active Retiree won five awards for newsletters produced in 2009.

The Bleecker award is given to the publication—in-service or retiree, 10 members or 10,000—that the judges believe is top-notch in every way. Judges look for quality writing, editing, photography and design. The award is named after the late Ted Bleecker, editor-in-chief of New York Teacher for more than two decades.

All articles are written and edited by UUP retirees. Layout and some photography is provided by Publications Specialist Karen Mattison.

The Active Retiree, which first earned the Bleecker award in 2004, drew high praise from the judges: “Absolutely the best! Thorough attention to detail in design, visuals and an excellent variety of story content. On every count—content, layout, writing, photos—this newsletter stands out. A model of what a newsletter should be.”

The Active Retiree also won top honors for Best Newsletter for publications with a circulation of more than 1,000. The winning June 2009 issue included articles on the state Alliance for Retired Americans conference and NYSUT Representative Assembly highlights, as well as regional meeting coverage and recognition of two award-winning UUP retirees.

“This is the way it’s done,” wrote contest judges. “Great publication, filled with informative and interesting articles ranging from topics of interest for retirees to general interest articles. The writing and layout exude professional quality.”

Individual awards went to:

• Malcolm Nelson of Fredonia, who earned first-place honors for Best Feature Story for his April 2009 article “All aboard,” about his cross-country train trip to visit friends in Illinois, California and Oregon.

“This was a delightful, informative journey through America on the rails,” according to the judges. “Beautiful imagery. Nicely done.”

• Donald Cohen of Albany, who picked up a first-place award for Best News Story for his April 2009 article “Elder abuse under review.”

The judges had this to say: “Excellent article on an often overlooked topic in today’s society. Thoroughly reported with important details in breakout points. Excellent!”

• COARM Chair Judith Wishnia of Stony Brook, who received an Award of Merit for Best Editorial for her June 2009 commentary “Labor left out of social history.”

“A direct and beautifully written column on the importance of unions in U.S. history and why they are still needed today,” wrote the judges.

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