In accordance with Article XIII of the UUP Constitution, bargaining unit members are hereby notified that the following constitutional amendment will be on the agenda of the 2007 Spring Delegate Assembly, set for April 20-21 in Albany:
A proposed Constitutional Amendment to change the name of a standing committee, Legislation, to bring the title to conformance with the committee’s charge. (Submitted by the Executive Board.)
Deletions are [bracketed] and lined through; additions are bolded and underlined.
To amend Article X, Section 1. paragraph 1, line 900 and line 935 as follows:
Lines 899 to 903:
The Standing Committees of this organization shall be the Committees on Negotiations, [Legislation] SUNY Outreach, Membership, Finance, Grievance, Elections and Credentials, Affirmative Action, Active Retired Membership, Part-Time Concerns, Solidarity, and Women’s Rights and Concerns.
Lines 935 to 940:
The [Legislation] SUNY Outreach Committee shall prepare proposals for consideration by the Executive Board as legislative aims of the organization, shall carry out such other functions as may be assigned to it by the President or the Executive Board, and shall report to the President, the Executive Board, and the Delegate Assembly.