UUP communications win international awards

UUP can add four more honors to its anthology of awards for outstanding communications efforts.

The International Labor Communications Association (ILCA) has recognized the union’s monthly membership publication, TV advertisement and online leadership newsletter in its annual competition for projects produced in 2008. This international recognition comes on the heels of national awards from the American Federation of Teachers Communicators Network, which this summer presented the union with 12 awards for outstanding writing, content and design.

The winning entries are:

• First place, Best Electronic Newsletter, The Connection/UUPdate, written and edited by the communications staff and designed by Communications Assistant Angell Law.

The winning entries—May 9, Sept. 12, left, and Sept. 26—covered issues ranging from the collective bargaining agreement and legislative battles to the union’s policymaking convention and excerpts from selected news clips.

• Second place, Best Informational Graphic, The Voice, December 2008.

Designed by Publications Specialist Karen Mattison, the graphic “STOP SUNY budget cuts; GO tell the governor that SUNY is the $olution,” left, visually outlined the drastic cuts to the University, and called on union members, business people, parents, students and community groups to fax a letter of opposition to the governor.

• Third place, Best Publication Design, The Voice, December 2008, designed by Mattison.

• Honorable mention, Best Video Spots/Short Promo, “SUNY is New York’s Economic Engine.”

This 30-second TV spot that aired across the state bore the message that SUNY is the engine of economic growth and that more full-time faculty members are needed to continue to fuel the engine. The TV ad was produced under the direction of UUP Director of Communications Denyce Duncan Lacy.

Founded in 1955, ILCA is the professional organization of labor communicators who produce international, national, regional and local union publications, online communications and multimedia productions.

ILCA’s several hundred members produce publications with a total circulation in the tens of millions.

— Karen L. Mattison

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