To the point

UUP President Phil Smith chairs an AFT higer education committe meeting during the federation’s biennial convention July 10 – 14 in Chicago.

Welcome everyone, especially our newer colleagues, to the opening of the 2008-2009 academic session. If you are new to SUNY, please take advantage of the services that your local UUP chapter leaders provide on campus. And also feel free to contact any of us at the UUP Administrative Office here in Albany. At the end of this article, I’ll provide the necessary contact information to reach out to UUP.

As a professor in the SUNY system for going on 31 years (gasp!), I can assure all our new colleagues that you’ve made a wise decision to either start or continue your career in academe here in our nation’s largest higher education system. UUP can be a productive part of your career growth, as I know our veteran employees and activists are interested in seeing SUNY grow. And no small part of that growth is by seeing our colleagues succeed.

Indeed, our collective success and a view of “The Road Ahead” is the focus of my message. Before beginning our journey, let’s take a brief look at some recent events that form a starting point. As many of you know, New York has a relatively new governor, David Paterson, who’s been in office just a few days less than my tenure as the president of UUP. After only a few months in office, Gov. Paterson has been faced with what may be the most difficult economic times for New York in many decades. And this, of course, translates into challenges for UUP as we focus our energies on maintaining and building SUNY as a good place to work, teach, do research, and all of those things that make our life in the academy what we all want it to be. For example, SUNY was faced with a cut of some $34 million by our former governor, which was translated into an eventual $38 million decrease of state funds by the Legislature. To make matters worse, within days of taking office, Gov. Paterson asked for a 3.35 percent decrease in overall state spending. For SUNY, that translated into a total cut of state funds of $50 million, plus an additional $100 million reduction of spending authority from sources such as tuition, dorm fees, and other institutional income. And to make matters even worse, in August, the governor announced an additional 7 percent cut to SUNY.

All of this may sound fairly dire to a newcomer. But for we SUNY veterans, it’s all part of the “same old, same old.”

As bad as the starting point may seem, there is — I think — a great measure of opportunity on “The Road Ahead.” There have been major changes in the legislative leadership, and this November we have an opportunity to re-elect our friends — or perhaps make new ones. UUP, along with our state affiliate NYSUT, has been a major factor in supporting governmental leaders who are friendly to education.

So here in New York we have an opportunity to make a difference in our state government, and we can be part of an agenda of change on the national level as well. We need a government that is education-friendly.

A major part of our legislative outreach this year will focus on local activity. This gives everyone an opportunity to participate without taking precious time away from work or family obligations. We’ll be asking our campus leaders to reach out to their colleagues and engage them in meeting with legislators in their district offices, to meet with legislators on campus, and to engage our community partners in similar activities.

Make no mistake. “The Road Ahead” will likely have a few potholes. But through collective action and by bringing the right message to our legislators, I’m convinced that we’ll soon be traveling on smooth pavement. The message? It’s simple. SUNY — and especially your campus — is a major part of the solution to New York’s fiscal problems. If our campuses are healthy they will be productive in providing our state and nation with a well-educated workforce. Based on past history, most of this workforce will stay in New York and become productive, highly paid taxpayers. This, in turn, translates into healthy communities that contribute even more to the state’s economy. In brief, SUNY is the solution! A strong SUNY means a strong New York.

Please join us on “The Road Ahead.” Your participation makes us all stronger. Watch for additional details from me and your local leaders as we map out our trip.

UUP President Phil Smith

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