Two receive part-timer awards



Many UUP members work hard at their professions and spend countless hours volunteering for their union. But few are as courageous as the part-time employees who, despite the possibility of dismissal, stick their necks out in a cry for better working conditions for themselves and their colleagues.

The union later this month will honor two such part-timers with its Fayez Samuel Award for Courageous Service by Part-time Academic and Professional Faculty. Receiving recognition at the 2008 Fall Delegate Assembly in Albany are Jacqualine Berger of Empire State College and Lori Nash of Oswego.

The award is named after Fayez Samuel of Old Westbury, a pioneer in the effort to improve working conditions for part-time SUNY employees and a past chair of UUP’s Part-time Concerns Committee.

Colleagues cited Berger’s leadership, advocacy and “remarkable initiative” in efforts to gain equity for part-timers. At Empire State, where about two-thirds of the members are part time, Berger has no trouble bringing her demands to management, even though she is not yet tenured.

Empire State Chapter President Jay Gilbert said Berger’s “strong and fearless advocacy” is best exemplified by her willingness to initiate — and win — a class-action grievance to require SUNY to provide appointment letters and delineate professional obligations for part-timers, as defined in the contract.
“Jacqui’s courage, sense of humor, administrative ability and love of the work have made her a role model for others to follow,” said Weston Kennison of Geneseo, who co-chairs the union’s Part-time Concerns Committee with Berger.
“The work of our committee is a little like juggling three bowling balls and a chainsaw. Jacqui does so with passion, grace and a keen sense of focus on the goals.”

Nash may be new to the advocacy game, but that doesn’t stop her from taking a shot.

Stating that Nash “has accomplished so much for her constituents without the armor of tenure,” Oswego Chapter President Charles Spector praised her persistence in securing salary increases for summer school and part-time instructors.

“Lori never allowed us to take this issue off the table” at labor/management meetings, Spector said. “She is relentless and extremely effective.”

Nash has been the chapter part-time concerns representative since 2005, and is on the union’s statewide Part-time Concerns Committee. She also organized the chapter’s first Campus Equity Week event last fall, and is a regular contributor to the chapter newsletter.

Nash and Berger are UUP academic delegates from their respective chapters.

“Both of this year’s recipients have worked tirelessly on behalf of their sisters and brothers at the state university, with great dedication but little fanfare,” said UUP President Phillip Smith. “This award is our way of saying ‘thanks’ for all you do.”

— Karen L. Mattison

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