Sound bytes: What message do you want to lawmakers to hear?

Jack Gendron, UAlbany — “Lawmakers need to address the 90/10 tuition. All of the money should be helping students, and lower-income families are suffering even more. All of the tuition increase should be spent on SUNY.”

Sonja Nijjar, University at Buffalo — “Cutting SUNY?doesn’t benefit anyone. The state isn’t putting the money where it needs to go—to higher education.”

Marc Dearstyne, Cortland — “EOP is the one area that can draw a direct line from the money in the budget to student services. We don’t waste a penny. But we’re always the piece that’s cut. We need the restoration.”

Sabel Bong, Canton — “Students are being stretched too thin. For lower-income students, budget cuts and tuition increases are the straws that broke that camel’s back. For many, it’s a matter of graduating at all.”

Shannon Snyder, NYSTI — “The Legislature needs to know that merging NYSTI with The Egg will not work. We’ve been an educational program for 30 years. We ‘produce’ and they ‘present.’ The real losers are the schools.”

Melvin Vargas-Irizarry, Brooklyn HSC — “I’d like to see lawmakers use the money they’re taking from Medicare to fund other hospital services, such as ambulatory services.”