2009 NYSUT RA; Two UUP newsletters awarded for outstanding writing, design

Two newsletters produced by UUP members earned a total of five awards for outstanding writing and design.

The Active Retiree and the Farmingdale Unifier were feted at the annual NYSUT journalism awards luncheon at the 2009 RA in Buffalo. The competition is sponsored by New York Teacher.

The Active Retiree won Awards of Merit for general excellence and best editorial, and an honorable mention for best news story.

“This well-designed, well-written and well-edited newsletter sends a clear message: Retirees as activists and difference-makers,” is how the judges described the newsletter, which is published for the more than 3,300 retiree members of UUP.

The editorial “Health care should be a priority in this election,” by Judith Wishnia of SUNY Stony Brook, also earned high marks from the judges. “This editorial is not just well-written and well-organized, it does an excellent job of backing up its point with a number of factual references.”

Cortland UUPer Jo Schaffer’s winning article on the state’s Rural Aging Summit was praised for its “solid reporting.”

The Farmingdale Unifier, edited in 2008 by UUPer Yolanda Pauze, received a First Award for general excellence and an Award of Merit for best front page among locals with memberships between 651 and 1,000.

“The clean, attractive layout and excellent content make this publication interesting and easy to read,” the judges wrote.

The winning cover, which extolled the contract provisions for family leave, used “graphics and shaded boxes to add interest without being distracting. Nicely done.”

— Karen L. Mattison

NYSUT RA set for April 2-4 in Buffalo

UUP is asking its union colleagues to support three resolutions during NYSUT’s 37th annual Representative Assembly (RA), slated for April 2-4 at the Buffalo Niagara Convention Center in Buffalo.

The UUP resolutions call on NYSUT to: maintain the integrity of the institution of higher education; support the United Auto Workers; and work to repeal the Defense of Marriage Act.

Maintain integrity—UUP delegates want NYSUT to use all its political power to protect jobs, academic freedom and the provisions of existing bargaining agreements, as well as to call for “meaningful governance structures,” and accountability.

Defense of Marriage Act—Delegates are also asking for their colleagues to defend the rights of people in same-sex relationships to get married and to have the same tax benefits as those in traditional marriages.

Support of UAW—UUP is urging NYSUT to support the American auto industry and the contractual rights of UAW members.

A full list of resolutions can be found on the NYSUT Web site at www.nysut.org.

In addition, Geneseo UUPer Thomas Matthews has been named NYSUT’s Higher Education Member of the Year in recognition of his longstanding commitment to UUP?and public higher education. Matthews is a past statewide treasurer and vice president for professionals, and has served as chief negotiator for two UUP collective bargaining agreements.
— Karen L. Mattison