Delegates to the union’s 2009 Spring Delegate Assembly will elect three statewide officers and eight Executive Board members. The Spring DA will be held April 24-25 in Albany.
In addition to electing board members, delegates will cast their ballots for president, secretary and membership development officer. If the membership ratio of academics to professionals remains the same as the present ratio, of the 11 people to be elected, seven must be academics, four must be professionals and at least one must be from a specialized chapter. If the ratio changes, elections will be adjusted accordingly.
In accordance with DA policy, candidates running for statewide elective positions may have statements printed in The Voice, which is mailed to all bargaining unit members.
The following provisions apply:
- Candidates may submit a statement of up to 500 words and a photo for publication in The Voice. If a candidate wishes to submit a lengthier statement, it will be set in smaller type to give all candidates equal space.
- Send statements and photos to the attention of UUP Director of Communications Denyce Duncan Lacy. They must be received at the UUP Administrative Office, P.O. Box 15143, Albany, N.Y. 12212, by the close of business Friday, Feb. 27.
- Candidate statements will be published by order of election and in alphabetical order in even-numbered years and reverse alphabetical order in odd-numbered years.
- Candidate statements must be typed and double-spaced.
Candidates are encouraged to submit statements and photos by e-mail, or on computer disk accompanied by a typed copy. E-mail versions may be sent to Lacy at (and CC’d to
Note: UUP policy prohibits the use of any UUP or state equipment and/or resources (including e-mail) to produce or distribute campaign material for UUP?elections.
Statements will be published in the April issue of The Voice.
The UUP Executive Board in November adopted a policy on the distribution of campaign materials, which was published in the December 2008 issue of
The Voice. Copies of the policy are available on the Web at, as well as at UUP chapter offices or by calling UUP?Secretary Eileen Landy at (800) 342-4206.