
SIGN UP NOW: Workshops – UUP Committee Training – October 16 and 17


I hope that this email finds you well. I know that it is easy to feel disconnected and alone in our fights during this very difficult time. It is more important than ever that we find ways to stay connected. With that said, there is a great opportunity quickly approaching that will allow us to connect and share best practices on fighting for social justice issues, and against austerity budgets and the threats on collective bargaining. Let’s connect on the October 16 and 17 UUP Committee Training. Thank you for those who have already registered. I hope that you will be able to join us and invite others to join as well. It is more important than ever to find ways to build deeper connections and power amongst our members and our coalitions to help us succeed in these critical fights.

I wanted to share a few more details as the event gets closer. The tentative outline for the two days is as follows:

Day One—Friday, October 16 (1PM – 4PM): Committee training to enhance advocacy on issues of concerns for UUP statewide committees. Advancing the goals and agendas of our committees through coalition work.

 Friday will include the coalition partners panel, which will be led by chapter leaders and local coalition partners to share their experiences building strong community partnerships and discuss their issue-base campaigns, strategies and actions they have found to be most successful. If you would like to be considered for the issue-based coalition partner panel, please submit your names here no later than tomorrow, October 9 (this date has been extended). All panel decisions will be made by October 10. If you and your coalition partner are selected, you will be provided with additional information to share with your coalition partner on how to join as a panelist for this workshop.

Day Two—Saturday, October 17 (9AM to Noon): Election 2020 and activism

·         NYS Biden Campaign Director Presentation

·         AFT Election Update: Polling, State of the Race, What are we doing to make a difference and Virtual Phone Bank Training

·         Virtual phone banking or texting

 You can register for the two-day virtual event here. Space is limited and registration for this two-day event will close October 13 or when we reach capacity. Login information will be sent to registrants the week of the event.

Please feel free to share this invitation broadly. However, Employee Organizational Leave (EOL) is only available for statewide committee members. Due to the political nature of the day two activities planned, EOL is available for Friday only and again is available only for statewide committee members.

I look forward to connecting with all of you on October 16 and October 17.

In solidarity,


Statewide Pre-retirement Workshop (new format) October 13 & 15

Dear Chapter Leadership and Members,

One of our most popular workshops has been the Pre-Retirement Workshop and with the use of online tools we are now capable of doing them statewide.  We are trying a new format of splitting the 1 ½ – 2 hour workshop into two 1 hour sessions, which will give many of our members the chance to attend at lunchtime.  Campus workshops will still be available if needed and chapter leadership can still set them up with Walter Apple.  We are encouraging all new and long time members to attend these workshops as the retirement benefits that we negotiated over the years are excellent and we need our members to realize that in order to maintain them we need a strong organized union. We plan on doing these workshops every month if the response is good and if you miss one or have questions that you didn’t ask, you will have another chance to do so.  Please distribute as widely as possible,  the link to sign up for the workshops is below and feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

In Solidarity,

Tom Hoey
UUP Statewide Membership Development Officer


COVID Testing Agreement with SUNY

Dear Colleagues,

I am pleased to inform you that we have reached agreement with SUNY over the terms for mandatory surveillance testing of campus employees.  A summary of the provisions of that agreement is provided below. The full agreement is attached.

We continue to press the Governor’s office for an extension of the telecommuting agreement, and we are making progress there. As for campus testing of students, our pressure at the chapter and statewide levels are having real impact. It’s clear that campuses are beginning to ramp up testing to increase both the rate of testing and the size of samples to be tested. Our united front on this crucial issue is key to our success — and our members’ health and safety. Thanks to all of you for your diligence and hard work.

Key provisions of the UUP/SUNY agreement on mandatory testing:

The agreement provides that campuses must test employees who are required to report in person to campus for work (whether part or full-time). Testing of UUP-represented employees will be conducted in concert with regular surveillance testing of students on campus.

Campuses must use less invasive tests such as saliva tests, short swab rapid tests, or other short swab tests for mandatory testing.  If a campus uses long swab testing employees will not be mandated but may volunteer for testing.

Campuses must consult with UUP chapter representatives on the testing protocols for UUP-represented employees and the campus testing plan and information regarding how samples for testing are constructed, such as the size of pools and the number of employees to be tested shall be provided to UUP chapter representatives.

Testing procedures must ensure that: the identity of individual employees testing remains confidential and is only accessible on a need to know basis; the privacy of employees being tested  and the identity of employees who test positive must be protected to the extent possible. Employees must be tested during regular work hours and without cost to the employee. Test results shall not be retained in personnel files or other personnel records and shall not be retained by the campus any longer than is necessary to comply with COVID 19 related public health requirements.

Employees who are quarantined or isolated following a positive test at public health, medical or campus direction shall be allowed to telecommute to the greatest extent possible.  If telecommuting is not possible, the employee shall be permitted to use applicable statutory leaves in accordance with state and federal law and leave accruals as contractually appropriate.

The agreement expires December 31, 2020, subject to possible extension by mutual agreement.

I’m happy to answer any questions you may have and I look forward to “seeing” many of you at our regional meetings, starting tomorrow for Western New York.

Mandatory Testing MOA (1)

Stay safe, stay well and take care…

In Solidarity,



Regional Tele-Town Halls


As campuses are reopening across the state, UUP has planned regional tele-town hall virtual membership meetings to hear directly from members about their experiences with the reopening process and other COVID-19 related concerns. The regional tele-town halls will provide an overview of the political and economic landscape related to public higher education, as well as an opportunity to hear about the progress that we have achieved together through coordinated member, chapter, and statewide actions to address COVID-19 reopening issues. While the meeting will begin with a brief presentation, the majority of the virtual meeting will be driven by the participants. Participants will have an opportunity to ask questions and share additional concerns that may need to be addressed by UUP at the chapter and/or statewide level.

The regional meetings will begin at noon and take place over a two-week period beginning the week of September 15. The campuses have been divided up into six regions, as the questions and answers may differ based on the region that the campus is located within. If you are a member at Empire State College, please sign up for the region closest to your location.

The tele-town halls will take place on the following days at noon:

·         September 15 – Western NY (Alfred, Brockport, Buffalo Center, Buffalo HSC, Buffalo State, Fredonia, & Geneseo)

·         September 16 – Capital District (Albany, Cobleskill, Polytechnic Institute, & System Admin.)

·         September 17 – Central NY (Binghamton, Cortland, Delhi, ESF, Morrisville, Oneonta, & Upstate Medical University)

·         September 22 – Long Island (Farmingdale, Old Westbury, Stony Brook, & Stony Brook HSC)

·         September 23 – Hudson Valley/Metro-Downstate (Downstate Medical Center, Maritime, New Paltz, Optometry, & Purchase)

·         September 24 – North Country (Canton, Oswego, Plattsburgh, & Potsdam)

We will always be stronger when we are engaging one another and advocating together for our common future. I encourage you to join your colleagues and participate on the tele-town hall for your region by registering here. Information on how to log-in to the event will be sent to registrants the week of the tele-town hall. Log-in information is individualized. Please share information about the tele-town halls as widely as possible. To assist in sharing the information please find a flier attached (pdf and image

UUP is standing strong in the face of the greatest challenges we’ve ever encountered. I’m looking forward to hearing from as many of our union siblings as possible as we continue to fight for safe, healthy communities and a better SUNY for all!

In solidarity,


NY Renews Climate, Jobs, and Justice Recovery Virtual Rally and Campaign Launch- Aug 19


UUP will be joining our coalition partners in NY Renews for the virtual rally launch of the Climate, Jobs, and Justice Recovery campaign on August 19th.

UUP is a long-time coalition member of NY Renews, and we have worked together to fight for environmental justice across New York. Most recently, we celebrated the passage of the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act last year. UUP member advocacy was essential to getting that important legislation passed.

Our current public health crisis, financial crisis and social justice crisis are all deeply linked to our climate crisis. It is more urgent than ever that NY State invest in its communities, create green jobs, transition to 100% renewable energy, and make polluters pay to provide for a decent, just recovery and a transition to an economy that works for all.

I encourage you join us for the Climate, Jobs, and Justice Recovery campaign launch virtual rally on August 19th at 12 pm. I will be speaking alongside other climate activists about the importance of environmental justice for our communities. You can register for the event here.

Please share this information with your colleagues. NY Renews has also compiled a rally toolkit that includes sample social media posts/graphics and emails.

In solidarity,



COVID-19 and Workers’ Compensations Benefits

As you know, members who are diagnosed with COVID-19 who believe their infection was due to work related exposure should be encouraged to file a claim for workers’ compensation benefits. At this time, potential long term effects of COVID 19 are unknown. Given this, it important that our members protect their rights to medical care and wage replacement through New York’s Workers’ Compensation system. Documenting on-the-job exposure to COVID 19 now can prove critical to protecting their rights to receive Workers Compensation benefits in the future.

Members who are exposed to COVID-19 at work should be encouraged to: document the exposure; report the exposure by following their campus process for filing an accident or incident report; report the exposure to the state Accident Reporting System; and, if they become ill, file a Workers’ Compensation claim. To assist members in this effort, we have prepared an information flyer on Workers’ Compensation and COVID 19 and a COVID-19 Exposure Tracking Form which members can use to create a written record of their exposure. Both the flyer and the tracking form are posted on the COVID 19 Resources page on the UUP website at
UUP COVID-19 Resources Page
*Commit to Participate in Action: For the Health & Safety of Our Communities ; UUP Question Portal-Direct link to UUP officers regarding your COVID-19 questions and concerns.; Know Your Rights-Reasonable Accomodations FAQ -July 17, 2020; Workers Compensation and COVID-19 -July 2, 2020; UUP Member COVID-19 Exposure Tracking Form -July 2, 2020; Higher Education Detailed Guidelines -June 22, 2020

In solidarity,




UUPdate Coronavirus – July 23, 2020


UUP member webinars for employee groups – Suggestions Welcome

To date, we have held statewide webinars to discuss campus reopening issues and other concerns for the four employee groups listed below. During these webinars, UUP members were able to address questions to me and other statewide officers, learn from each other about common challenges across campuses, and consider ways to work together to address pressing issues related to the COVID-19 crisis. Participants received notes from the discussions and we continue to help facilitate connecting colleagues to each other and to their chapter leaders for follow-up.

We began this webinar series in response to requests and suggestions from members at various campuses. Based on participation (more than 100 members at each webinar) and feedback from participants after the webinars, we believe it could be very helpful to provide similar opportunities to other employee groups — or to hold additional webinars with those groups we’ve already met virtually with.

Please submit suggestions for additional employee group webinars via our COVID-19 comment/question portal at this link:

UUP Employee Group Webinars to date
Residence Life – June 17
Student Health Services and Counseling Services – June 24
Academic Department Chairs – June 25
Academic Librarians and Library Professionals – July 13

In solidarity,