
UUP Benefit Trust Fund Group Term Life Insurance Program

Dear Colleagues,

We were just informed by UNUM (UUP’s life Insurance carrier) that the New York State Department of Financial Services (DFS) Life Bureau is requiring that Unum remove all Value Added Services (Worldwide Emergency Travel Assistance, Life Planning Financial and Legal Resources, Employee Assistance/LifeBalance – EAP) from New York situs Life products. Therefore, UUP will no longer be able to offer the Worldwide Travel Assistance program to our represented employees beginning January 1, 2021.

It is with great regret that we inform you of this action. The New York State DFS Life Bureau has confirmed that Unum’s insurance policies do not contain specific enough language to allow them to offer value-added services to their customers. Unum has attempted to resolve this issue by adding to their previously approved product filings, unfortunately, the New York State DFS Life Bureau has been unwilling to approve new policy language on the grounds that the services do not have nexus, or inherently relevant connection, to life insurance.

Please spread this information out to your chapter colleagues and retiree members. Should you have any questions or would like any additional information, please feel free to contact the UUP Benefit Trust Fund at 800-887-3863.

In Solidarity,
Tom Hoey
State Wide Membership Development Officer United University Professions


Legislative Agenda 20/21 Session

Dear Colleagues:

Our union is only as effective as the engagement of our members. Over the last year, in the most unprecedented times, our union has become more nimble, more responsive and even more effective at delivering results and solutions to the issues you’re facing at your campuses. So again, I am reaching out to you to seek your input and ideas as we enter the upcoming state legislative session. 

In the coming weeks our state-wide Outreach Committee will be hosting virtual Town Halls to garner input and discuss legislative proposals. Please be on the look out for those dates. In the meantime you can also submit your ideas through our online submission form by clicking here

The feedback and input from our members has been invaluable over the last 9 months and I wholeheartedly expect your insights to be just as meaningful as we move forward. 

In Solidarity,


UUP Spring Reentry Principles


After months of observing the struggles that SUNY campuses encountered due to the lack of strong guidance from SUNY’s leadership prior to the start of the fall semester, and after gathering input from our chapters through chapter presidents, vice presidents, labor relations specialists, organizers and – most importantly — member town halls and webinars, UUP has finalized its guidelines for a safe reopening for the spring semester. We have built on the experiences of this semester and the work that SUNY has done since the arrival of Chancellor Malatras to create what I believe to be the strongest possible set of guidelines for SUNY to follow across the system. These guidelines call for SUNY to expand the testing of students upon arrival at campus in late January, increase the scope of surveillance testing throughout the semester, assure that campuses have sufficient on-campus contact training capability, and address air quality issues in many of its buildings. The guidelines also call for campuses to actively promote voluntary flu vaccination and to take action (though EAP and otherwise) to better address COVID-related mental health concerns of employees.

UUP Spring 2021 Reentry Principles Final

It is important to understand that our ongoing conversations with SUNY’s leadership have been very productive on all levels regarding the safety and health of our workplaces and communities. We have solicited input from and engaged in continuous conversations with chapter leaders to represent the concerns of our members across our hospitals and various types of campuses.  Furthermore, it is clear that as COVID cases continue to rise in New York (though hopefully not at the rates we are seeing in so many other states) these conversations with our members and with SUNY will be crucial to ensure that the steps SUNY eventually takes at the start of the semester protect all of us from this deadly plague. The guidelines we are presenting you with will continue to form the main points of discussion with SUNY.

I would especially like to thank the hard work done by the UUP Statewide Ad Hoc Health and Safety Committee, chaired by Dr. Phil Glick from UB in forging this latest version of guidelines. Their input has been crucial to its content and completion.

Let’s hope that this is the last semester we must prepare for in this fashion. Our institutions, our work environments, our professional lives, and our emotional health are all suffering during this terribly challenging time. I want to recognize – and thank – our colleagues who have served our communities with such distinction, at the frontlines of this pandemic in the SUNY hospitals and in offices across SUNY that deal directly with students and the public.  Your work has been exemplary, and I will continue to fight for just compensation and recognition of your great public service.

I urge you to do all that you can to take care of yourselves, your loved ones, and our communities. Please take all precautions to protect yourselves from the coronavirus during the upcoming holiday season. There is a light at the end of the tunnel, but there is a long and difficult journey to that hoped-for relief. Let us sustain ourselves and each other, knowing that we are doing the work necessary to build a more just, safe, and equitable society. It’s what we do and who we are.

In Solidarity,


New York Renews: Mass Call on Friday and Sign-up for Lobbying


Over the past several years, UUP has been involved in the work of NY Renews — a coalition of groups and unions committed to dealing with the climate crisis. NY Renews has shared a few opportunities for UUP members to be involved in their ongoing advocacy efforts. I encourage you to participate and share these opportunities with your colleagues, as the work is vital to our collective goals as part of the progressive movement and since many of our members are engaged in environmental actions in their personal lives.

First, NY Renews is hosting a mass call this Friday, Nov. 20 at 12 pm aimed at folks who are new to NY Renews or need a refresher on their big plans for 2021. During the call, NY Renews will be sharing opportunities to join their organizing efforts going forward. Register for the call here. Sample social media posts and graphics advertising the call can be found here.

Second, NY Renews is launching a new lobbying effort for the first half of December. In the next week, they need to lock in lobby leads, the most important piece to making this a success. If you are interested in leading or joining the lobby event, please fill out this form.

Thanks for doing this. Every step we can take to improve our lives must be taken during these difficult times.

In solidarity,



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Please Sign: Shaker Institute Democracy Declaration


I encourage you to join educators across the nation and sign the Shaker Institute Democracy Declaration that states: “We, the undersigned educators in pre-K-12 schools, colleges and universities, representatives of schools across the United States, endorse democracy as a means of giving voice to each one of us, of expressing the dignity of each individual, of representing the values of our society, and of ensuring the lawful transition of authority. Every freedom depends upon the freedom to vote. Each vote counts; count each vote.”

Our democracy is under attack daily by the current administration. We must continue our fight to elect candidates that will fight to protect democracy for all. Please join us in this fight by signing the declaration here and then sharing it with your colleagues and encouraging them to sign as well.

In solidarity,


Virtual Rally to Reinstate the Stock Transfer Tax (11/10)

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I’m excited to announce UUP is joining forces with New York State Nurses Association (NYSNA) to host a virtual rally to pressure the legislature to return to Albany and reinstate the New York Stock Transfer Tax.

New York’s Stock Transfer Tax had been levied on stock trades since 1905, but since 1981, the tax has been rebated back to Wall Street. If fully collected, the Stock Transfer Tax is estimated to raise between $14-$19 billion annually. NYS Assemblymember Phil Steck and Senator James Sanders have introduced legislation to require the state to keep the proceeds from this tax (see: A.7791-B/S.6203-A). UUP has been advocating for this important piece of legislation, and it’s time to ramp up our efforts.

To do so, UUP and NYSNA will host a virtual rally on Nov. 10 at 12 pm with unions, social justice advocates, good government groups and elected officials to push the state legislature to reconvene and take up revenue raising proposals, primarily the Stock Transfer Tax, to address the economic crisis facing New York. You can register here.

 After you register to join the rally, invite a friend, colleague, or member of the community. You can add a selfie to the Reinstate the NY Stock Transfer Tax campaign webpage and let everyone know why this rally is important to you. Our concerns and demands must be heard. You can add a selfie here.

To learn more about the various revenue raising proposals and the need for public higher education and health care funding, visit the campaign page here: Revisit this page often, as a social media toolkit and postcard campaign will be coming soon.

Attached is a graphic that can be used to advertise the event to your members and via social media.

Please share this information widely.

In solidarity,


UUP Social Media Nov. 3 Elections Toolkit


We continue to prepare for the November 3 election on all fronts. One important piece is sharing important information with our colleagues, friends and family via social media. Attached is a social media toolkit with sample graphics, posts and important links that can be used on personal and chapter social media pages. With important deadlines quicky approaching, it is important to share these graphics and posts widely on social media to help spread the word.

Election 2020- UUP Social Media Resources

Please reach out to Amy Sheldon,, with any questions or concerns.

In solidarity,