Dear Colleagues:
Senate Republican leadership is holding up the legislation (S 9101) that enables the members of UUP to receive the compensation provided in our recently negotiated contract. They are holding that legislation hostage to the passage of legislation that we cannot support. It is imperative that you call your Republican State Senator (see attached list) and the Senate Republican Leader, John Flanagan, as soon as possible today (6/20) and tell your Senator to stop holding up funding for the UUP-NYS Contract. Tell your Senator and Republican Leader Flanagan to put the paybill through. It’s imperative that you and as many of your colleagues make these calls as soon as possible today, June 20th. Today is the last day of session. I apologize for the incredibly short notice, but the situation literally developed in the last 12 hours.
I have never asked you to take up an advocacy effort that is more important than this one. It’s about our contract, our families, and our future.
In Solidarity,