
Friedrichs v. CTA


The US Supreme Court released its decision on Friedrichs v. the California Teachers Association this morning. In a victory for working people across the United States, the court — by 4-4 vote — upheld the 9th circuit court decision. This means that the Abood precedent holds: Public sector unions have the constitutional authority to collect union dues from all members of our bargaining unit, including so-called fee-payers.

Though we have good cause to celebrate this victory, be aware that we face numerous challenges requiring that we continue with our organizing campaign. There are many other cases in the federal court pipeline that will reach the court eventually, making the appointment of a replacement for Justice Scalia who is sympathetic to our cause of vital importance to all of us. This, in turn, should motivate all of us to take an active role in this years federal elections to insure that we have friends in the White House and in Congress.

I thank all of those involved in the important work of our organizing campaign. Let’s all work a little bit harder and create the powerful union that will benefit all of us, our families, and our students.

In Solidarity,