
Blacklist Actions

Dear Colleagues,

A couple of days ago, I wrote to you concerning actions that we could take in opposition to a fringe group trying to restrict our academic freedom. Many of you have taken advantage of that petition and I thank you for doing so. If you haven’t done so, please join us in this effort by going to the following link:

I have heard from several colleagues that they have taken an additional step, one that I myself will be taking as well. This step involves going directly to the Professor Watchlist and entering ourselves on the list. The purpose of this action, one that many colleagues across the country have taken, is to literally jam up the website with so many entries that it is rendered useless. It is also a step to take as a sign of solidarity with those who have been “reported” to the site.

I have been informed that there is a move to do a large scale action of this type on December 20th. If you are considering taking this step, that would be the best date to do it. To put yourself on the list, please go to this link:

Please be advised that I am offering this action for you to consider. It is a big step and one that could expose you to unwanted attention from right wing groups. However, in the interest of providing as many UUP members as possible with the opportunity to stand up to this type of harassment, I wanted to share this information with you.

In Solidarity,


Professor Watchlist


Many of you have already heard of the right wing Professor Watchlist which claims it will “expose faculty who advance leftist propaganda in the classroom.”

UUP stands with our colleagues across the country and in sister organizations such as AFT and AAUP in condemning such a list as a threat to academic freedom and to academic inquiry. Lists like this have been used to harass and intimidate faculty and have a chilling effect on our work in higher education.

Please join me in standing up for free speech, academic freedom and higher education.

Now – when the forces of ignorance and repression are on the march – is the time for all of us to stand together in defense of the principles of freedom of thought and free inquiry.

In Solidarity,