
Fred Kowal commentary on WAMC

Dear Colleagues,

On the Dec. 29 anniversary of the 1890 Wounded Knee massacre, UUP President Fred Kowal will explain why UUP stands with the Standing Rock Sioux Nation and its struggle to block the route of the Dakota Access Pipeline across sacred ground. Kowal makes his appeal and his call for social justice in a commentary scheduled to air at about 3:50 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 29 during “Northeast Report”   on WAMC radio.

You can listen live as it airs at Please share this information!

This is the latest in a series of commentaries Fred has taped for WAMC.

WAMC is a regional public radio network based in Albany that serves eastern New York and parts of six adjacent states. Stations and frequencies that carry WAMC are below:

New York
Albany – WAMC 90.3 FM
Albany – WAMC 1400 AM
Beacon – 103.9 FM
Brewster – WANR 88.5 FM
Canajoharie – WCAN 93.3 FM
Cooperstown – 97.3 FM
Dover Plains – 106.3 FM
Ellenville – 96.5 FM
Highland – 102.1 FM
Hudson – 97.1 FM
Kingston – WAMK 90.9 FM
Lake Placid – 88.7 FM
Middletown – 106.3 FM
Middletown – WOSR 91.7 FM
Mt. Kisco – WWES 88.9 FM
Newburgh – 107.7 FM
Oneonta – 99.3 FM, 90.1 FM
Plattsburgh – WCEL 91.9 FM
Remsen-Utica – WRUN 90.3 FM
Rensselaer-Troy – 93.1 FM
Stamford – WANZ 90.1 FM
Ticonderoga – WANC 103.9 FM
Warwick – 107.1 FM
Great Barrington – WAMQ 105.1 FM

Milford – 90.9 FM

Don Feldstein
UUP Communications
(518) 640-6600, ext. 627
(800) 342-4206


Blacklist Actions

Dear Colleagues,

A couple of days ago, I wrote to you concerning actions that we could take in opposition to a fringe group trying to restrict our academic freedom. Many of you have taken advantage of that petition and I thank you for doing so. If you haven’t done so, please join us in this effort by going to the following link:

I have heard from several colleagues that they have taken an additional step, one that I myself will be taking as well. This step involves going directly to the Professor Watchlist and entering ourselves on the list. The purpose of this action, one that many colleagues across the country have taken, is to literally jam up the website with so many entries that it is rendered useless. It is also a step to take as a sign of solidarity with those who have been “reported” to the site.

I have been informed that there is a move to do a large scale action of this type on December 20th. If you are considering taking this step, that would be the best date to do it. To put yourself on the list, please go to this link:

Please be advised that I am offering this action for you to consider. It is a big step and one that could expose you to unwanted attention from right wing groups. However, in the interest of providing as many UUP members as possible with the opportunity to stand up to this type of harassment, I wanted to share this information with you.

In Solidarity,


Professor Watchlist


Many of you have already heard of the right wing Professor Watchlist which claims it will “expose faculty who advance leftist propaganda in the classroom.”

UUP stands with our colleagues across the country and in sister organizations such as AFT and AAUP in condemning such a list as a threat to academic freedom and to academic inquiry. Lists like this have been used to harass and intimidate faculty and have a chilling effect on our work in higher education.

Please join me in standing up for free speech, academic freedom and higher education.

Now – when the forces of ignorance and repression are on the march – is the time for all of us to stand together in defense of the principles of freedom of thought and free inquiry.

In Solidarity,


Compensation Equity for Librarians

At our September 29th chapter executive board meeting, a unanimous vote of support was given to the pay equity proposal written by and advanced by the librarians.  This pay equity proposal was communicated by the librarians through their administrative channels and they asked us to support it.  At our November 3rd labor management meeting the chapter communicated to Dr. Terenzio  our support for the librarians and their proposal.  The librarians’ proposal is attached.


Bill Tusang
UUP Chapter President


UUP President Fred Kowal commentary on WAMC radio

Dear Colleagues,

UUP President Fred Kowal stresses that UUP will strongly fight for its core principles and discusses the role higher education can play in the wake of Donald Trump’s election in a commentary airing at 12:50 p.m. tomorrow (Tuesday, Dec. 13) on WAMC radio.

You can listen live as it airs at Please share this information!

This is the latest in a series of commentaries Fred has taped for WAMC.

WAMC is a regional public radio network based in Albany that serves eastern New York and parts of six adjacent states. Stations and frequencies that carry WAMC are below:

New York
Albany – WAMC 90.3 FM
Albany – WAMC 1400 AM
Beacon – 103.9 FM
Brewster – WANR 88.5 FM
Canajoharie – WCAN 93.3 FM
Cooperstown – 97.3 FM
Dover Plains – 106.3 FM
Ellenville – 96.5 FM
Highland – 102.1 FM
Hudson – 97.1 FM
Kingston – WAMK 90.9 FM
Lake Placid – 88.7 FM
Middletown – 106.3 FM
Middletown – WOSR 91.7 FM
Mt. Kisco – WWES 88.9 FM
Newburgh – 107.7 FM
Oneonta – 99.3 FM, 90.1 FM
Plattsburgh – WCEL 91.9 FM
Remsen-Utica – WRUN 90.3 FM
Rensselaer-Troy – 93.1 FM
Stamford – WANZ 90.1 FM
Ticonderoga – WANC 103.9 FM
Warwick – 107.1 FM
Great Barrington – WAMQ 105.1 FM

Milford – 90.9 FM

Don Feldstein
UUP Communications
(518) 640-6600, ext. 627
(800) 342-4206



Open enrollment for the UUP Member Services Trust Legal Plan (Met Law) began on December 1 and will end on December 20, 2016.  This will be the only time frame that our current members can join.
I have attached the information flyer along with the enrollment form for those members who wish to participate.
Please complete the form and return it to the Members Services Trust Fund by fax  at 518-640-6699.  You may also e-mail the completed form to Doreen Bango at
Our mailing address is PO BOX 15143 Albany, NY 12212.
Salaried members of UUP  must select payroll deduction. Non- Salaried Members must submit by check the full amount along with the completed application. Checks made out to the UUP Member Services Trust Fund.
If you have any questions or concerns please contact the UUP Member Services Trust Fund at 1-800-887-3863.
Doreen M. Bango