
Spread the word! Retiree legislative issues

Recently, there’s been some discussion about what UUP has been doing to support retirees, who are facing higher costs for their health insurance in the proposed Executive Budget.

UUP has been doing a lot. Retiree issues are a prominent part of UUP’s 2016 Legislative Agenda and are among the important issues members bring up when meeting with lawmakers.

Specifically, the budget proposes:

• Tiering state contributions to retiree health insurance premiums based on years of service for state workers who retire as of Oct. 1, 2016. This would impact employees with less than 30 years of service.

• Capping monthly Medicare Part B reimbursements at $104.90 for state retirees covered through NYSHIP. As Medicare Part B premiums increase, retirees would pay more.

• To end state reimbursement of increased Medicare Part B costs for higher-income retirees under IRMAA. Higher-income retirees pay escalating rates for Medicare Part B based on retirement income. Currently, retirees earning between $85,000 and $107,000 pay $170.50 per month for Medicare Part B. This proposal would end state reimbursement of these higher premiums.

UUP members are speaking out against these initiatives, and are urging legislators to take action to ensure that they do not become part of the state’s enacted 2016-17 budget.
Members are calling on lawmakers to:
• Support income security for retirees by increasing the maximum earning allowance for public employees from $30,000 to $35,000.

• Support a pension credit for all veterans.

• Allow retirees to make automatic, voluntary contributions from their Optional Retirement Program accounts to union political action committees.
UUP leaders are also urging all members to send an e-letter to legislators that details the union’s legislative agenda regarding retirees. The letter is on the UUP website; click here to access the letter.