
Spread the word! Retiree legislative issues

Recently, there’s been some discussion about what UUP has been doing to support retirees, who are facing higher costs for their health insurance in the proposed Executive Budget.

UUP has been doing a lot. Retiree issues are a prominent part of UUP’s 2016 Legislative Agenda and are among the important issues members bring up when meeting with lawmakers.

Specifically, the budget proposes:

• Tiering state contributions to retiree health insurance premiums based on years of service for state workers who retire as of Oct. 1, 2016. This would impact employees with less than 30 years of service.

• Capping monthly Medicare Part B reimbursements at $104.90 for state retirees covered through NYSHIP. As Medicare Part B premiums increase, retirees would pay more.

• To end state reimbursement of increased Medicare Part B costs for higher-income retirees under IRMAA. Higher-income retirees pay escalating rates for Medicare Part B based on retirement income. Currently, retirees earning between $85,000 and $107,000 pay $170.50 per month for Medicare Part B. This proposal would end state reimbursement of these higher premiums.

UUP members are speaking out against these initiatives, and are urging legislators to take action to ensure that they do not become part of the state’s enacted 2016-17 budget.
Members are calling on lawmakers to:
• Support income security for retirees by increasing the maximum earning allowance for public employees from $30,000 to $35,000.

• Support a pension credit for all veterans.

• Allow retirees to make automatic, voluntary contributions from their Optional Retirement Program accounts to union political action committees.
UUP leaders are also urging all members to send an e-letter to legislators that details the union’s legislative agenda regarding retirees. The letter is on the UUP website; click here to access the letter.



Student Walk-Out (3/4)


A statewide walk-out by SUNY students has been planned for Friday, March 4th at 12:00 PM. The walk-out has been planned in protest of a rational tuition increase and NY SUNY 2020. I have been informed that some Chapters are considering ways to support and participate in this protest. After consulting with our legal staff, I feel it is necessary to write to you to discuss several very important facts that must be understood.

First, and most directly, participation in any such action (a strike or other concerted stoppage of work or slowdown by public employees) is barred by New York State Civil Service Law (a/k/a, the Taylor Law). Since the law stipulates that employees taking concerted action by walking out of their professional obligation to protest working conditions meets this definition, it is imperative that we all make clear to our members that UUP does not endorse or encourage our sisters’ and brothers’ participation in this event. Should they take part, they could well face the punishment of a loss of two days’ pay for the day used for the action.

Second, under New York State law, no public employee or employee organization can instigate, encourage, or condone a strike or a similar action. If UUP were to be found to have encouraged a strike, we would face legal action potentially leading to the loss of agency fee.

Although we certainly support students free speech rights and applaud their activism, please be aware – that as with the adjunct action that took place last year – we cannot support, encourage or condone this particular action.

In the meantime, please understand the seriousness of this situation. As President of UUP, I am duty-bound to insure that our union abides by the law. To do otherwise is to endanger the union I was elected to lead, as well as the 35,000 members whom we serve.

In Solidarity,
Fred Kowal