
New Picasa album posted: 2014 Fall DA award recipients

Greetings from UUP Communications!

Please note that we’ve posted photos of the award recipients who were honored at the 2014 Fall DA.

The photos can be found on UUP’s Picasa site, which can be accessed from the middle of the UUP Home Page at  Click on View Albums under UUP Photos. Additional photos from the DA will be posted at a later date. Should you need something sooner, please don’t hesitate to contact me.


in solidarity,
karen mattison
uup associate director of communications


New UUP online publication – PLEASE READ & spread the word

You’ve read The Voice.

Now here’s The Echo.

The Echo is the union’s new online membership magazine. Think of it as a web companion to The Voice, with stories for and about members—stories that we can’t fit into the print edition of The Voice.

Budget constraints have forced us to cut back on the number of issues of The Voice. So we created The Echo, which allows us to continue bringing you full coverage of what’s going on in your union and how your union is working for you.

You can read The Echo by clicking on this link: It’s also accessible on the UUP website at The link is in a blue box at the top of the page. You can’t miss it.

In this issue, you’ll read about UUP’s participation in the People’s Climate March in New York City, the largest climate change demonstration in history.

You’ll also read about how UUP’s leaders and members have been working to get the vote out for NYSUT-endorsed candidates in the upcoming election. There’s also coverage of UUP’s 2014 Fall Delegate Assembly, and news about a new Community Involvement Survey available on the UUP website.

And don’t forget to click on the video message from UUP President Fred Kowal. You’ll find it on page 2.

So please flip through our digital pages and share this document widely with members on your campus. Please let them know that The Voice now has an Echo.

We hope you like what you see.

Thanks to UUP’s Communications Department for their excellent work!


Jamie Dangler

UUP Vice President for Academics

Communications Dept. Officer Liaison