On the street: How have the attacks on public employees affected you as a union member?

Del Janik, Farmingdale—“It seems to me that it’s part of the developing vision of America into two societies: the rich, and the rest of us—including public unions and public education—who are major targets of propaganda of the upper 2 percent and their allies.”
Kim Behun, Buffalo Center—“The attacks on public employees nationwide are demoralizing. It’s a tremendous hurdle that we need to overcome—and that’s on top of having to deal with the largest cut to any state agency.”
Fred Houston, Brooklyn HSC—“It was bad business decisions that created the deficits, and businesses and politicians are blaming public employees, which is outrageous and unwarranted. As unionists, we must remain strong and fight to the bitter end.”
Patricia Smith, Old?Westbury—“I’ve been involved with unions for over 30 years. I know the importance of unions and bargaining rights. The attack on public employees and how it could lead to more cuts to public education is very hurtful.”
Roosevelt Wardlaw, Buffalo Center—“I’m upset at how the right wing has no appreciation for the working class. I’ve been involved in civil rights since the ‘60s. Unions and civil rights go hand in hand. An attack on unions is also an attack on civil rights.”

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