UUP’s message hits airwaves, newspapers. SaveSUNY.org unveiled

New York can’t fix its budget woes on the backs of students and their parents. But that’s exactly what’s happening. The governor’s Executive Budget proposal again slams SUNY, this time to the tune of $153 million.

UUP knows that students and parents would be asked to pay more, and get less, if these cuts are enacted. That’s why the union is fighting back with a multifaceted public awareness campaign that includes a television ad, and a new proactive Web site that urge lawmakers to keep their promise of a quality, affordable college education for all New Yorkers.

Television ad

The 30-second TV ad—which features UUP members and SUNY students—was videotaped in January at various Capital District locations, including the UAlbany campus, a local diner and a homeowner’s kitchen. It hit the airwaves in major media markets—including Albany, Binghamton, Buffalo, Long Island, New York City and Syracuse—in early February and continues this month. The union’s Communications Department produced the TV spot.

“The governor says he’ll keep cutting millions from the State University of New York,” the TV ad begins. “What do you say?”

Answering that question are a SUNY student, a worker, a business owner, and a parent:

“If tuition goes up, I’ll have to drop out. … Cuts hurt students.”

“I won’t be able to afford college for my kids. … Cuts hurt families.”

“To turn things around, we need a skilled, educated workforce. … Cuts hurt the economy.”

“Don’t deny our kids opportunity. … Cuts hurt our future.”

The final note: “We can’t afford to sacrifice our children’s future. Tell Albany to reject the cuts and save SUNY.”

Featured in the TV ad are UUPers James Pasquill and Karen McNeill of UAlbany, Ron Komora of the New York State Theatre Institute, and UUP Secretary Eileen Landy.


The television ad prompts viewers to visit SaveSUNY.org, UUP’s Web site designed specifically to educate students, citizens and lawmakers on the deep cuts to SUNY in the last two years. It encourages all New Yorkers to speak up for SUNY by signing an online petition and faxing letters urging lawmakers to reject Executive Budget proposals to cut SUNY funding.

In addition, UUP has placed banner ads that tease SaveSUNY.org on Web sites such as Syracuse.com, weather.com, CNN.com, PressConnects.com, BuffaloNews.com, Newsday.com and Facebook. The banner ads are “geotargeted” to New York state.

Ads will also appear on Google when people actively search for information about SUNY or UUP. The ads will prompt them to the SaveSUNY.org site.

Under the banner “Save SUNY: Don’t balance the budget on my future,” SaveSUNY.org features testimonials of students and parents who would be directly affected by the governor’s proposed cuts, as well as the TV ad and relevant news articles on the more than $400 million in cuts already imposed on SUNY. It also links people to UUP via Facebook and Twitter, and cross-links rally video and the TV ad to YouTube.

“The threats to the state university are urgent,” said UUP President Phillip Smith. “We will use every media outlet available to get our lawmakers to see that derailing public higher education is the wrong way to serve New Yorkers or to get the state’s economy back on track.”

— Karen L. Mattison

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