UUP is a family-friendly union

Their first DA was exactly what they had hoped it would be. There were movies and snacks, video games and coloring books. And nap time.

Of course, that’s to be expected if you’re under the age of 10.

At the request of the Task Force on Family Friendliness, UUP launched a trial “Family Hospitality Suite” designed to ease the burden on parents trying to juggle family and union activities. Eight youngsters between the ages of 3 and 10 spent most of the two-day convention under the watchful eyes of three nannies from the New England Nanny Service.

“Members of the task force brainstormed on what we could do to make it easier for our newer, younger colleagues to come to a DA,” said Geneseo delegate Meg Stolee, task force chair. “Why should having kids be an impediment to being active in your union?”

At times, parents brought their children into plenary sessions or other union meetings. At others, nannies took the kids on a walk around the hotel, which included a stop at the fountain to make a wish.

The idea of a hospitality suite was brought to UUP President Phillip Smith last fall. He wholeheartedly endorsed the concept and set the wheels in motion.

“I think this experiment was very successful,” Stolee said. “The parents were thrilled at how it worked out.”

Kudos were expressed by Bruce Simon of Fredonia, whose two children shared in the union’s hospitality.

“I really appreciated being able to bring my family to the DA with me,” Simon said.

“The girls had a great time playing with kids their age from around the state, while my wife was free to pursue some professional development opportunities in

Albany. I hope the Family Hospitality Suite is here to stay.”

The task force is planning to hold an open forum at the next DA, where delegates can suggest other ways the union can be more family-friendly. One idea under discussion is offering a hospitality suite for elder care.

“We will make more recommendations if some are called for,” Stolee said.

Taking advantage of the hospitality suite were Victoria and Michael Behun, children of Kimberly and Michael Behun, both of Buffalo Center; Jada and Jalen Ghee, children of Patricia Ghee of Buffalo State; Chet and Vivian Guenther, children of Wendy Gordon of Plattsburgh; and Chika and Maya Simon, daughters of Fredonia’s Simon.

— Karen L. Mattison

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