NYSUT convention kicks off April 29 in Washington, D.C.

UUP is asking its NYSUT colleagues to vote on five UUP-sponsored resolutions during the 38th Annual Representative Assembly, scheduled for April 29-May 1 in Washington, D.C.

The resolutions submitted by UUP call on NYSUT to:

• Tell lawmakers that public higher education in New York state has suffered enough, and that NYSUT will consider withholding endorsements from lawmakers or candidates who support further budget cuts to SUNY and CUNY. This resolution is co-sponsored by Professional Staff Congress, the faculty union at CUNY;

• Urge lawmakers to oppose any SUNY flexibility legislation that would remove existing governmental oversight of University-related transactions and affiliations, and that NYSUT will consider withholding endorsements from lawmakers or candidates who support “flex” legislation;

• Stress to the Legislature the need to provide parity in funding mechanisms for New York’s higher education systems;

• Advocate for legislation to prevent the unilateral dimunition or elimination of any public sector retirees’ health insurance benefits; and

• Take the following positions on the war in Afghanistan: oppose further escalation of U.S. military forces; urge the immediate withdrawal of troops and contractors; and stress diplomacy and legal means to defeat terrorist conspiracies and networks.

In other action, eligible RA delegates will cast their ballots for NEA state director, and NEA alternate state director, to the NYSUT Board of Directors.

NYSUT and NEA unified in 2007.

— Karen L. Mattison

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