UUP Member Benefits: It’s vital to protect your eyes

While most people have their annual physical and semi-annual trip to the dentist on their calendars, many overlook an annual eye exam as part of their preventive health routine. Yet an annual eye exam is just as important—even if you think your vision is fine.

The American Optometric Association recommends that adults between the ages of 18 and 60 have their eyes examined at least every two years, and people over the age of 60 take an annual trip to their eye care professional. It’s essential to make a complete eye examination part of a total health care routine, whether or not vision correction is needed. Many diseases that may be easy to miss in their early stages are evident with a thorough eye examination.

A comprehensive eye health exam may also uncover early signs of a systemic condition, such as diabetes, elevated cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, arteriosclerosis, brain tumors, AIDS, multiple sclerosis, neurological impairments, thyroid disease and vitamin deficiencies. Discovery of such valuable information during a routine eye exam enables the patient to obtain early treatment.

UUP understands the importance of vision care. That‘s why our members have an annual benefit for eye exams and glasses.

Members can schedule an appointment with an ophthalmologist—a medical doctor who specializes in examining, diagnosing and treating eyes and eye diseases. This visit is usually covered under the medical component of your health care coverage. You may choose to visit an optometrist, who is not a medical doctor, but who is trained to diagnose and treat most of the same eye conditions as an ophthalmologist, with the exception of treatments involving surgery. Visits to the optometrist are covered under your vision benefit through Davis Vision.

Now that we are in the routine of a yearly exam, we also need to take it a step further. Just as you wear a seatbelt to protect yourself, it’s a good idea to protect your eyes. Here a just a few tips:

• Protection from the sun—Wearing sunglasses is high on the list of ways you can care for your vision. Buy sunglasses with ultraviolet (UV) protection to use whenever you’re in the sun. UV light causes long-term damage to the inner structures of the eye, but wearing sunglasses can help prevent conditions such as cataracts and macular degeneration. Remember prescription sunglasses are a covered benefit; you can alternate every other year.

• Eat what is good for you and your eyes—Vitamins A and E, folic acid, selenium and zinc are beneficial for the health of your eyes. Flaxseed oil and fish oil contain important dietary fatty acids that have multiple health benefits, including prevention or control of dry eyes. Check with your physician on nutritional tips to help preserve your eyesight.

• Wear protective eye gear—It is a good habit to get into wearing some type of safety glasses when working around flying objects and hazardous chemicals, or when participating in contact sports.

• Prevent eye strain—Minimize eye strain by wearing up-to-date corrective lenses; and make sure you have adequate lighting levels for the task you are performing. But don’t go overboard. Bright light can cause eye strain as well.

• Give your eyes a break—For every 20 minutes of concentrated close-up work, take a 20-second break by looking at something 20 feet away.

Remember your eyes are the windows to the world, and the windows to your health.

— Doreen Bango, Manager of Member Benefits and Services


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