Capitol corner; NY Congressmen: Help the University

The majority of the 29-member New York Congressional delegation is appealing to Gov. David Paterson to allocate more of the state’s federal stimulus money to SUNY.

In a letter cosigned by 20 of the state’s congressmen, the 19 Democrats and one Republican urge the governor to provide SUNY with additional stimulus funds to help the University deal with its budget shortfall.

“It is without question that these (budget) reductions will have a serious impact on the access and quality of education provided to our constituents,” the congressmen wrote in their letter to the governor.

“Many SUNY schools are critical components of our economy,” said U.S. Rep. John McHugh (R-Pierrepont Manor), “and I am hopeful that the governor will use his discretion to provide the additional resources necessary to sustain SUNY during these difficult (economic) times.”

— Donald Feldstein

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