Presidential campaign: UUPers run for delegate, make calls for AFT-endorsed Clinton

UUPers Kathy Southerton and Charlie McAteer look over the list of Suffolk County residents they will call.

UUP members from around the state took to the phone banks in late January, getting out the vote for Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. Clinton was endorsed by UUP’s national affiliate, the American Federation of Teachers (AFT).

UUPers called fellow unionists and offered a brief overview of Clinton’s voting record in support of public education and other working family issues. The phone banks were set up at NYSUT regional offices.

As UUPers were making calls, three of their colleagues were vying for a spot as Clinton delegates to the Democratic National Convention in Denver Aug. 25-28.

UUP member Patricia Bentley of Plattsburgh won election as a Clinton delegate in the 20th Congressional District (CD). Bentley — who was incorrectly identified in last month’s Voice as the only UUPer slated as a Clinton delegate in New York state — may be traveling to Denver this fall with fellow UUPer Ashok Malhotra of SUNY Oneonta, who won election as a delegate for Clinton in the 24th CD.

UUPer Kim Muller of Oneonta also ran as a Clinton delegate in the 24th CD, but came in second behind Assemblywoman RoAnn Destito (D-Utica). Because Clinton is only able to seat three of the district’s five delegates — two men and one woman — Muller will not be a delegate. However, she told The Voice she is “honored and grateful” to have received more than 19,000 votes and to have won a majority of the counties in the district. She plans to travel to Denver this fall and “will continue to strongly support Hillary, delegate or not.”

— Karen L. Mattison

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