Speaking out: How do we as unionists overcome the political and economic challenges that confront us?
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Members of the UUP Outreach Committee met in Syracuse Aug. 10 to develop the union’s legislative action plan for the coming year. A number of them were asked by The Voice to consider the political and economic challenges SUNY and UUP face, and what they can do as unionists to overcome the obstacles. Here’s what some had to say: Kiko Franco, Old Westbury—“Through political advocacy, we elect people to represent our interests. When they’re not doing the job to our satisfaction, we have the right to give our support to someone else who would.” Josie Adamo, Buffalo State—“We need to work with all involved and not be so territorial. To reach solutions, all sides have to meet halfway, so we aren’t the ones who are always giving in.” Tom Hogle, Morrisville—“We have to let people know we are hard working. If we let people know about our dedication and service to the community, they’ll be more likely to support us.” Elizabeth Haremza, Buffalo HSC—“We need to work with all parties involved to try to bridge the gaps in order to achieve what’s best for our members, students and patients.” Joe Westbrook, Cortland—“We have to be true to ourselves. If we don’t act as our own advocates, no one will ever understand who we are.”
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