Is my check in the mail?

As The Voice went to press, the process to implement the pay increases for UUP members negotiated in the new UUP/New York statecontract was moving forward. UUP has been pushing the process along beginning the day the contract was ratified, March 13. The unexpected change in gubernatorial administrations and staff delayed the progress.

A “pay bill” — legislation that is required for the release of public funds — is sent from the governor’s office to the state Legislature.

Once lawmakers approve the pay bill and the governor signs it, the next stop is the state comptroller’s office. Then the comptroller will issue a pay bulletin that will stipulate when the paychecks will be issued, including the retroactive pay.

As soon as UUP obtains a confirmed payroll date, the union will notify members through official communications. Also, an announcement will be posted on the home page of the UUP Web site at and chapter leaders will be notified.

— Donald Feldstein

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