Hillary Clinton back in the thick of it

As The Voice went to press, AFT-endorsed Hillary Clinton had won presidential primaries in Ohio, Rhode Island and Texas. The victories helped to close the gap between Clinton and her opponent, Illinois Sen. Barack Obama, who had won 11 straight races and appeared to be pulling away.

Exit polls showed that Clinton received an overwhelming majority of the Hispanic vote in Texas, and easily took Ohio thanks in large part to her tough talk on the economy.

It was believed that Clinton would have pulled out of the race if Obama had decisive wins in the Texas or Ohio races.

The Clinton campaign said otherwise, noting that former President Bill Clinton didn’t sew up the Democratic nomination for president until June.

Political insiders claim Hillary Clinton’s strategy of calling attention to Obama’s lack of experience is paying off.

"Voters recognize that Hillary Clinton has the strength and experience to lead our nation," said AFT President Edward McElroy. "Voters respond enthusiastically to Clinton because they know she is ready to turn the economy around."

AFT members are doing their part to promote their endorsed candidate. Unionists in key states – including UUP members in New York – are canvassing neighborhoods and staffing phone banks to talk up Clinton’s record on education and other working family issues.

For more on the 2008 campaign, go to www.aft.org.

– Karen L. Mattison

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