

As America’s largest higher education union, United University Professions (UUP) works for you and with you, representing every member with a clear, collective call to improve your personal and professional lives. From competitive salaries and health benefits to job security, opportunities for advancement and retirement, UUP is here for you. There’s strength in numbers and we’re more than 34,000 members strong on SUNY’s 29 state-operated campuses.UUP is a unified voice, protecting members rights at the bargaining table and on the job, speaking on behalf of public higher education statewide, nationally and internationally. UUP is the voice of SUNY’s academics and professional employees to the SUNY Board of Trustees, SUNY System Administration, the state’s elected officials and the public.


UUP is the only organization designated to negotiate a contract with New York state on behalf of SUNY’s academic and professional employees. The contract allows UUP to protect your fundamental rights by setting terms and conditions of your employment. Click here to view the contract.


UUP provides benefits to all bargaining unit members, including a range of attractive programs sponsored by our affiliates, New York State United Teachers and the American Federation of Teachers. Benefits include:

  • Dental and vision plan coverage* (Part-timer members not eligible for NYSHIP can purchase these benefits at the group rate)
  • Scholarship program*
  • Free group life insurance
  • Free tuition on a “space available” basis
  • Discount products and services from: Apple; AT&T; Bally’s Total Fitness; BJ’S Wholesale Club; Enterprise Rent-a-Car; Goodyear; Green Mountain Coffee Roasters; Liberty Mutual; Marabito Fuel; New Jersey Nets; OfficeMax; Sprint; and Verizon Wireless.


Position Name Email
President and Delegate Peter Ikeler ikelerp@oldwestbury.edu
VP Academics and Delegate Kyle Anderson andersonk@oldwestbury.edu
VP Professionals and Delegate Sheila Washington washingtons@oldwestbury.edu
Treasurer Brian Cleary clearyb@oldwestbury.edu
Secretary Vacant
Contingents Officer and Delegate Annessa Babic babica@oldwestbury.edu
Retirees Officer and Delegate Eileen Landy eileenlandy2016@gmail.com
Grievance Officer Linval Frazer frazerl@oldwestbury.edu
Labor Relations Specialist Tammy Mays tammy.mays@nysut.org
Academic Delegates Martha Livingston livingston.martha@gmail.com
Mohamed Khalefa khalefam@oldwestbury.edu
Lillian Clayman dudkiewiczclaymanl@oldwestbury.edu
Curtis Holland hollandc@oldwestbury.edu
Professional Delegates Ryan Baker bakerr@oldwestbury.edu
Jon Kleinman kleinmanj@oldwestbury.edu
Jamie Gunter gunterj@oldwestbury.edu


Campus Center, Room E204

Chapter Assistant:                                              Mary Navarra            oldwestburyuup@uupmail.org
Phone (516) 333-5770
Fax (516) 876-3469

Chapter Organizer                                             Jesus Sanchez               jsanchez@uupmail.org