
COVID Testing Agreement with SUNY

Dear Colleagues,

I am pleased to inform you that we have reached agreement with SUNY over the terms for mandatory surveillance testing of campus employees.  A summary of the provisions of that agreement is provided below. The full agreement is attached.

We continue to press the Governor’s office for an extension of the telecommuting agreement, and we are making progress there. As for campus testing of students, our pressure at the chapter and statewide levels are having real impact. It’s clear that campuses are beginning to ramp up testing to increase both the rate of testing and the size of samples to be tested. Our united front on this crucial issue is key to our success — and our members’ health and safety. Thanks to all of you for your diligence and hard work.

Key provisions of the UUP/SUNY agreement on mandatory testing:

The agreement provides that campuses must test employees who are required to report in person to campus for work (whether part or full-time). Testing of UUP-represented employees will be conducted in concert with regular surveillance testing of students on campus.

Campuses must use less invasive tests such as saliva tests, short swab rapid tests, or other short swab tests for mandatory testing.  If a campus uses long swab testing employees will not be mandated but may volunteer for testing.

Campuses must consult with UUP chapter representatives on the testing protocols for UUP-represented employees and the campus testing plan and information regarding how samples for testing are constructed, such as the size of pools and the number of employees to be tested shall be provided to UUP chapter representatives.

Testing procedures must ensure that: the identity of individual employees testing remains confidential and is only accessible on a need to know basis; the privacy of employees being tested  and the identity of employees who test positive must be protected to the extent possible. Employees must be tested during regular work hours and without cost to the employee. Test results shall not be retained in personnel files or other personnel records and shall not be retained by the campus any longer than is necessary to comply with COVID 19 related public health requirements.

Employees who are quarantined or isolated following a positive test at public health, medical or campus direction shall be allowed to telecommute to the greatest extent possible.  If telecommuting is not possible, the employee shall be permitted to use applicable statutory leaves in accordance with state and federal law and leave accruals as contractually appropriate.

The agreement expires December 31, 2020, subject to possible extension by mutual agreement.

I’m happy to answer any questions you may have and I look forward to “seeing” many of you at our regional meetings, starting tomorrow for Western New York.

Mandatory Testing MOA (1)

Stay safe, stay well and take care…

In Solidarity,



Regional Tele-Town Halls


As campuses are reopening across the state, UUP has planned regional tele-town hall virtual membership meetings to hear directly from members about their experiences with the reopening process and other COVID-19 related concerns. The regional tele-town halls will provide an overview of the political and economic landscape related to public higher education, as well as an opportunity to hear about the progress that we have achieved together through coordinated member, chapter, and statewide actions to address COVID-19 reopening issues. While the meeting will begin with a brief presentation, the majority of the virtual meeting will be driven by the participants. Participants will have an opportunity to ask questions and share additional concerns that may need to be addressed by UUP at the chapter and/or statewide level.

The regional meetings will begin at noon and take place over a two-week period beginning the week of September 15. The campuses have been divided up into six regions, as the questions and answers may differ based on the region that the campus is located within. If you are a member at Empire State College, please sign up for the region closest to your location.

The tele-town halls will take place on the following days at noon:

·         September 15 – Western NY (Alfred, Brockport, Buffalo Center, Buffalo HSC, Buffalo State, Fredonia, & Geneseo)

·         September 16 – Capital District (Albany, Cobleskill, Polytechnic Institute, & System Admin.)

·         September 17 – Central NY (Binghamton, Cortland, Delhi, ESF, Morrisville, Oneonta, & Upstate Medical University)

·         September 22 – Long Island (Farmingdale, Old Westbury, Stony Brook, & Stony Brook HSC)

·         September 23 – Hudson Valley/Metro-Downstate (Downstate Medical Center, Maritime, New Paltz, Optometry, & Purchase)

·         September 24 – North Country (Canton, Oswego, Plattsburgh, & Potsdam)

We will always be stronger when we are engaging one another and advocating together for our common future. I encourage you to join your colleagues and participate on the tele-town hall for your region by registering here. Information on how to log-in to the event will be sent to registrants the week of the tele-town hall. Log-in information is individualized. Please share information about the tele-town halls as widely as possible. To assist in sharing the information please find a flier attached (pdf and image

UUP is standing strong in the face of the greatest challenges we’ve ever encountered. I’m looking forward to hearing from as many of our union siblings as possible as we continue to fight for safe, healthy communities and a better SUNY for all!

In solidarity,