
Continued Federal Advocacy Actions

UPDATED Social Media Toolkit- Pass a new COVID-19 mitigation package that provides crucial support to New York State (1)


Our advocacy efforts continue to expand and I want to thank all of you who have already stepped up to be a part of them. Together we have sent over 1,700 digital letters to our federal representatives. Additional contacts are also being made through phone calls to representatives from UUP members across the state. UUP is on the forefront of these efforts, and we are continuing to work with our statewide and national affiliates on this important advocacy work.

But we can and must do more. Congress is set to return May 6th to negotiate the next federal aid package, so it is time to ramp-up our communication. I have set a very ambitious goal for us: 10,000 contacts to New York’s Congressional Representatives through digital letters, phone calls, social media, and other means, by June 1st to stress the importance of federal aid for New York.

In order to broaden the size and impact of our advocacy, we have made a minor change to our Action Network letter so that non-members, family, and friends can also contact their representatives in support of New York State. Please continue to encourage everyone that you are in touch with to send a letter, so we can ensure our message is heard. Here is the link to the letter for your convenience to send to your network of family and friends.

We have also updated the social media toolkit for the letter and attached it here. In addition to sample posts sharing the letter on your social media pages, the updated toolkit now includes sample messaging to share the letter with other community groups you may be involved with. We’ve also included posts that will allow you to tag representatives directly to express our message and the Twitter usernames for all New York representatives. Please use this in your continued social media advocacy.

SUNY is the lifeblood of so many communities, and together we can utilize all of our coalitions to ensure New York State and SUNY receive the significant resources that only the federal government can deliver at this time.

Thank you for your continued work on this important advocacy. And please take care of yourselves … Stay well!

In solidarity,


UUP slates member tele-town halls; sign up now!

UUP is your union, and your union wants to know what you think about the coronavirus, the economy and public higher education.

That’s why UUP has scheduled four tele-town halls in May, which will allow members to share their thoughts in online foruma with union leaders in a safe way that adheres to New York’s social distancing rules and guidelines.
The tele-town halls will be held at:

11 a.m. on Thursday, May 7
3 p.m. on Wednesday, May 13
6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, May 19
11 a.m. on Thursday, May 21

The tele-town halls will include brief presentations on the overall economic perspective of the state and the country as well as an overview of higher education funding trends in New York state and nationwide. Afterward, discussions will be opened to members for a solution-driven discussion.
“We are always be stronger when we engage each another and work from the grassroots,” said UUP President Fred Kowal. “If there is a “best” way to face these unprecedented times, I am certain that together, UUP members can and will develop that strategic plan.”

Click HERE to sign up for and participate in one of the tele-town halls.

Log-in directions will be sent to participants the week of the tele-town hall selected. Members are asked to choose just one tele-town hall to allow as many members as possible to take part.


UUP President Fred Kowal – Earth Day 2020


UUP Tele-Town Halls


Nothing is more important than carrying the voices of our membership forward in this difficult time. Our advocacy efforts are multiple and on-going, and I extend a heartfelt thank you to the dedicated members who have sent letters, made phone calls and joined our social media campaign to protect SUNY and the work UUP does.

We will always be stronger when we are engaging one another and working from the grassroots. In this vein, we are scheduling a series of tele-town halls, which will include a brief presentation on the overall economic perspective of where we are as a state and as a nation, as well as an overview on New York State and national public higher education funding trends. The presentation will then be opened up to our members for a solution-driven discussion. If there is a “best” way to face these unprecedented times, I am certain that together UUP members can and will develop that strategic plan.

The tele-town halls will take place on the following days:
May 7, 2020 at 11:00 AM
May 13, 2020 at 3:00 PM
May 19, 2020 at 6:30 PM
May 21, 2020 at 11:00 AM

In order to hear from as many members as possible, we are asking participants to choose just one date to join in on the conversation. To participate, please register here:
UUP | Legislative Town Hall Sign-up
United University Professions.

Please follow the registration link and sign-up to attend one of these events. Information on how to log-in to the event will be sent the week of the tele-town hall. Please share information about the tele-town halls as widely as possible.

Your entire statewide team is eager to hear from you!

In solidarity,


UUP President Fred Kowal – Report to SUNY University Faculty Senate, April 17, 2020


UPDATED: UUP COVID-19: Questions and Answers


An updated UUP COVID-19: Q&A has been posted on and is attached for your information. Note that the Governor has directed that non-essential state employees will continue to work from home through 11:59 PM, April 29.


Thank you and be well,

Jeri O’Bryan-Losee
Statewide Secretary/Treasurer
United University Professions


UUP Advocacy in Congress


I am writing to you with a request to add your voice to the thousands of other UUP members advocating to keep our union strong and to protect SUNY. The recently enacted budget has – for now – spared SUNY from budget cuts despite the downturn in the economy. But we must work to guard against likely future cuts and press our representatives in Washington for federal relief in what is expected to be a difficult year ahead.

Please click here: to send a letter to your member of the House of Representatives and our United States Senators. Thanks to Senator Schumer, New York received significant resources for state-operated campuses and our hospitals. In addition to the $180 million direct aid to campuses, we will seek funding from other pools of money from the recent stimulus bill. Today, with your voice, we are advocating for additional resources in the next round of stimulus that will preserve our state funding and strengthen the position of SUNY and the work we do. We have been in constant contact with our national affiliate AFT since this crisis has unfolded and they are incorporating our input into their national agenda.

I thank you for your dedication. Our advocacy and work does not stop in these times of crisis, the times demand we do even more.

In solidarity,


Video Update from Fred Kowal


MEMBERS ONLY: Special Enrollment for MetLife Legal Plans / Additional Program –

Dear UUP Members –

We have two members only benefit announcements we would like to share.

Special Enrollment for MetLife Legal Plans

During uncertain times we know that now more than ever our members are concerned about their health and personal finances. We want to help our members navigate these challenging times by allowing a special enrollment period for MetLife Legal Plans (formally known as Hyatt Legal Plans). MetLife Legal Plans help eliminate some of the financial burden of preparing legal documents with fully covered legal services when you meet with a Network Attorney.

With the MetLife Legal Plans, you’ll have a network of attorneys with an average of 25 years of experience that will help you prepare important planning documents including: Wills/Living Wills (for you and your spouse/partner); Power of Attorney (which is a document that let’s someone conduct transactions on your behalf); Health Care Proxy (where you can appoint someone to make medical decisions on your behalf); Landlord/Tenant Disputes; and Credit/Debt Collection. All these services and more are fully covered with no copays, deductibles, or claim forms with Network Attorneys but you must enroll by May 31, 2020. For more information regarding the cost of the program, and an enrollment form, go to and click on Benefits, Member Services Trust, and then MetLife.

Additional Program –

UUP is also extending a no-cost benefit at for all UUP members through our MetLife Legal Program. This is a free service available to all UUP members even if they aren’t signed up for the MetLife Legal Plans. Please note that this is a free service and does not come with legal consultation support. In order to register and create your own WillsCenter Account, UUP Members just need to go to, click on the “Register Here” button under New Users, and enter a few points of information including an email address and password, state of residence, marital status and employer name. It’s easy to start the SmartLegalForms® at Just click on the title of the document you need and a questionnaire will open in your web browser (PC or MAC). You will move through the SmartLegalForms® questionnaire answering all the questions (help prompts will be available along the way), and you will see your document being created during this process. All free documents will be stored in your own secure, online WillsCenter Account. You can even save incomplete questionnaires in your WillsCenter Account and come back at any time to edit, finish and print out as applicable. All documents are accessible in your WillsCenter Account 24/7.

You may also call the UUP Member Services Trust at 800-887-3863 and a representative will be glad to help you with any questions.

Thank you and be well,


Budget Update


Late last week, the state legislature completed work on the Fiscal Year 2020-21 budget. The result was the latest swing in what has been a roller-coaster year for our advocacy efforts, going back to early last summer. If you recall, we started working in May of 2019 at reaching out to state legislators as a result of what was another disappointing budget last year. We began meeting with legislators in their home districts, especially the leadership (nearly all from New York City and the suburbs, most with little background on SUNY issues). That was just the start of our efforts.

In October, we commenced a campaign to raise the profile of UUP and our issues still further, issues such as TAP Gap, student debt, the devastating, long-term impacts of the cuts of the Great Recession and the abandonment of our SUNY hospitals. We were able to work with the New York State Senate to organize the historic public hearings across the state. Dozens of UUP members and hundreds of our students, partnering with PSC, gave testimony about the importance of our mission and the issues we battle for every day. We held rallies across the state in December and February and brought almost 500 students to the State Capitol to educate lawmakers about SUNY and CUNY. Most recently in the final days of budget negotiations, our membership sent almost 2000 postcards to Gov. Cuomo, Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie, and Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins and we submitted almost 900 digital letters to those leaders and individual legislators. In a time of crisis so many of you stepped up to the fight. And that is why I believe we have averted what could have been a terrible budget.

Let’s make no mistake about it: All indications were that this year’s budget would feature deep cuts, as we started the year with a $6 billion projected deficit due to Medicaid spending. That is why we, along with a revenue coalition of unions and grassroots advocacy groups, pushed for increased taxes on billionaires in New York. Right from the start, that was at the center of our advocacy campaign. And it will remain so for the foreseeable future. We know in order to truly make progress for SUNY we need to grow the resources the state has to invest in higher education. The day is long past when the rich in our state can continue to avoid paying their fair share to help all of us enjoy a more equitable distribution of the fruits of our labor and a more just and humane society.

And then, as you all know, COVID-19 shut down our economy here in New York and then the entire country. This alone has led to a state budget deficit that could exceed $15 billion. I, and many of you, were fearful of what that could mean for SUNY. It was the relationships that we built and the work that we have done, that laid the groundwork for a path forward protecting SUNY and UUP, which was followed by our state leaders. The final budget passed this week did not cut SUNY’s funding. It is a flat budget. It’s bitterly disappointing that this is the case. It is not the budget we hoped for. The source of my disappointment is that before COVID-19 struck we were poised to see an increase in funding for SUNY. However, to end up without the deep cuts that many were predicting as recently as last week, is a relief, albeit a temporary one.

There is no doubt that New York State still faces a fiscal emergency that may necessitate mid-year cuts. There is also no doubt that our campuses will face challenges due to the loss of operating revenue triggered by refunds of unused fees and room and board, along with great uncertainty about enrollment in the Fall. What we can be hopeful about is the level of federal assistance New York will be receiving that’s a part of the stimulus package, and the fact that our friends in Washington are fighting for more aid to New York, specifically for higher education and the hospitals. Working with AFT in analyzing the recent stimulus package, I can report that our campuses are set to receive almost $180 million in direct aid to campuses. There is an additional $164 million pool of money available for the Governor’s office that must be used for higher education this fiscal year. We will work hard with SUNY and the Executive to ensure much of that gets to our campuses.

Additionally, there is funding in the federal stimulus to help hospitals deal with the pandemic. SUNY hospitals, on the frontlines of this pandemic, will be able to apply directly to the United State Department of Health and Human Services for costs related to COVID-19. This pool of money is $150 billion nationwide. Given the burden being carried by our members at SUNY hospitals, in the state that is the epicenter of the pandemic globally, we will make a strong case for a significant share of those resources.

Though the state budget is flat, I would be remiss if I didn’t point out some of the victories we did get:
1. We were able to stop (once again) the Governor’s proposals to end the standard Medicare Part B reimbursement and IRMAA for NYSHIP retirees and defeat his proposed sliding scale (based on retirement year) for health insurance reimbursements.
2. We were able to stop the extension of the so-called rational tuition program. Remember that this proposal would have created a huge increase in the TAP Gap. This win helps students and our institutions with high percentages of TAP students.
3. We were able to keep the $150 million in capital funding for the three SUNY hospitals. This will assist in the further modernization of these facilities in the aftermath of the present COVID-19 crisis.
4. We were able to keep the DSH funding in the budget, to the tune of over $230 million, with a federal match of another $230 million. This will also be a big help during the crisis.
Unfortunately, given the declining state revenue, SUNY’s proposal to have a 2:1 match on new campus capital projects remained in the budget. We will work to have targeted capital resources next year to offset this ill-conceived plan.

Now we turn our attention to aggressive advocacy on the federal level. We have plenty of friends in the New York Congressional Delegation, led by Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer. We are working to set up advocacy programs (virtual, of course) whereby all members of UUP can be heard by our members of Congress. Our goal is simple: To avoid the worst impacts of a contracting state budget with the federal dollars New York must have, while also generating our state’s own resources through rational, fair, and progressive tax changes. We can make a difference and we must all take part in these efforts. Our success depends on each other; no one strategy, no one effort will suffice. Our future can be protected and can be brighter if we do our parts. Stay tuned for how you and your colleagues can help us into that future.

Once again, I thank all those who have written, called or visited your legislators this year. You have made a huge impact. Now, let’s move to the next struggle.

As always, I wish you all continued health and well-being. Be safe and take care of yourselves and your loved ones.

In Solidarity,