UUP Chapter Elections

The ballots for our 2025-27 UUP Chapter Elections are in the mail! When you receive the election materials (to your home address), please be sure to carefully follow the directions to complete it and return using the inner “secret ballot” envelope and the postage-paid business reply envelope; all ballots must be received in the election post office by 5:00 pm on April 18, 2025. Late ballots will not be counted.

Any member who did not receive a ballot, or needs a replacement should call 203-403-8401 for assistance.

Officer Candidates:

Chapter President

Beth E. Wilson, Lecturer, Art History

It has been my honor to serve as the UUP New Paltz Chapter President for the past 10 years. This will be the last time that I run for this office, and I would be honored to have your vote of confidence one more time. My goal with this term will be to ensure that the Chapter will be placed in the dedicated, competent hands of a new generation of union leaders, so that we can continue to build solidarity among our wide-ranging bargaining unit, and to present an effective, collective presence for labor on our campus, and beyond.

Vice President for Academics

Megan Sperry, Associate Professor, Digital Media & Journalism

Megan Sperry is an educator, documentary filmmaker & advocate who lives in the Hudson Valley. She is an Associate Professor of Digital Media Production at SUNY New Paltz and the Program Director for the Woodstock Film Festival Youth Film Lab. Her creative projects focus on issues of affordable housing, criminal justice reform, food security issues and living wage jobs. Community is essential and central to everything that she does. In January 2022 she was elected to the Ulster County Legislature, representing District 17.

Vice President for Professionals (blank on ballot; write-ins only)

Vice President for Contingents

Autumn Joy Florencio-Wain, Adjunct Lecturer, Educational Studies and Leadership

Autumn Joy Florêncio-Wain is an adjunct professor in the department of Educational Studies and Leadership at the State University of NY at New Paltz. She holds a doctorate in Curriculum and Instruction from the State University of New York at Albany (PhD 2024). Her doctoral research investigates outcomes of K-12 education in educational settings including Montessori, Waldorf, Democratic Free schooling, homeschooling and other nontraditional/progressive pedagogies.

She has been an instructor of language, language teaching, human development, and pedagogy, at the graduate and undergraduate levels, in the State University of New York system since 2010.

Chapter Treasurer (blank on ballot; write-ins only)

Douglas Koop, retired Adjunct Lecturer, Physics and Mathematics [WRITE-IN]

Doug Koop has ably served as UUP New Paltz Chapter Treasurer for the past ten years. Due to a problem with mail delivery of his nomination form, he is not on the ballot; however he would appreciate receiving your write-in vote.

Chapter Secretary

Cheri Ehrlich, Cheri Eileen Ehrlich, Assistant Professor of Art Education

Cheri joined the faculty here at New Paltz in September 2023. She has over 25 years of experience in higher education, museums, community centers, and K-12 schools. From 2003 to 2006, she was a K-12 teacher in New York City and a member of the United Federation of Teachers (UFT), advocating for educators’ rights. From 2006 to 2013, she worked at the Brooklyn Museum as a Senior Museum Educator and Teen Programs Coordinator. During this time, she served as the DC37 Union Secretary (2009-2013), actively participating in negotiations, advocating for members’ rights, and supporting efforts to protect jobs. She also helped organize holiday events and served as a Union Shop Stewart, ensuring clear communication between leadership and her department. Ehrlich is dedicated to strengthening union support, fostering transparency, and advocating for fair and equitable working conditions.

Grievance Officer

Amanda Merritt, Assistant to the Dean, School of Education

As Grievance Officer, I have worked with our chapter’s Labor Relations Specialist to protect the rights of our members as they face disciplinary charges and unfair working conditions. Grievances apply solely to violations of our collective bargaining agreement. Articles of that rather ponderous document are there to protect us, and members with concerns need an advocate in their corner. I remain ready to support any member who needs help and would be honored to have your vote. Thank you!

Membership Development Officer

George Roath, Student Payment Advisor, Student Accounts

As members of organized labor, our strength has always been in numbers and unity. As New Paltz fills professional and faculty vacancies, each new hire holds potential for the strength of our union, both as full members and as potential candidates and volunteers. My first interaction with UUP was with the Membership Development Officer who thoroughly explained the benefits that full UUP membership had to offer and subsequently motivated me to attend all meetings and take an active role in our chapter leadership.

As Membership Development Officer, I would continue in that spirit with thorough outreach with every applicable new hire and work to strengthen the New Paltz chapter during these times in which our strength and unity is a must. I look forward to serving in this position and hope you will choose me to serve in this role.

Professional Delegates

Niza Cardona

I began my career at SUNY New Paltz in 1998 as a Financial Aid Advisor. After 3 years I was offered the opportunity to take on the role as the Bursar/ Director of Student Accounts where I have been for last 24 years. I received my Bachelor of Science degree in Marketing and Communication in 1986 at the Fashion Institute of Technology. I pursued my Master of Professional Studies – Humanistic/Multicultural Education at SUNY New Paltz where I graduated in 2004.  Additionally, I also serve as an adjunct faculty member at SUNY New Paltz. I taught courses for the Communication Studies Department from the spring of 2012 until spring of 2024. I taught Public Speaking and Story Telling and Culture.

I have lived in New Paltz for the last 25 years. I have a beautiful daughter Teohua and three beautiful grandbabies. I spend most of my free time making wonderful memories with them.

Nancy Cooney

My name is Nancy Cooney, I am seeking reelection as a UUP Professional Delegate.
I am a SUNY New Paltz graduate, and I have been working at SUNY New Paltz for 25 years now.  I’ve always been an active union member, and I try to help in any way I can.  I have been the union department rep. for Information Technology Services (ITS) for many years.  
Being involved with the union has been a great learning experience for me, I encourage everyone to be involved. 
I hope you vote for me

Ed Felton

My leadership role in our UUP Chapter has waxed and waned over the years in response to other commitments and schedule pressures. Looking toward 2025-2027, I’m prioritizing a Chapter Delegate commitment among my non-work commitments.

A union is the organization of the workers at a workplace, in an industry, a profession. It is not a 3rd party organization that provides a service to its members. Increasing member involvement and organizing actions that display unity and collective commitment must be the top priorities of any union. In those ways, our Chapter has been a leader at times among UUP chapters. Let’s show our colleagues around the State how it’s done! If we don’t, much will be lost in the coming years.

Colby Harvish

Wayne Lempka

When I first came to SUNY New Paltz, I would attend the free UUP lunches, listen to the discussions and then go back to my office and contribute nothing more to the running of our local chapter. Then one day an expression I remembered my father saying came to mind: “There is no such thing as a free lunch!”. So, taking heed of that simple statement, I decided to become more actively involved in our campus chapter.

I have now been an executive committee member for over 18 years having served on numerous committees during this time. I have twice been a member of the committee that reviewed and rewrote our local chapter’s By-laws; I have also served on the Individual Development Awards Committee; the Membership Committee, the Grievance Committee, and the Outreach Committee.

I not only ask for your vote but for you to get involved in your Union for “there is no such thing as a free lunch!”  Together we can continue to make a difference!

Amanda Merritt

I’m not only asking for your vote as professional faculty delegate, but I’m urging you too to run for delegate. Being a delegate is one great way to become involved in state-wide committees and make our voices heard on the issues that affect us. For example, my work on the Future of Public Higher Education has been a tremendous and slightly unnerving experience; the future of public higher education affects us all and is apparently becoming more precarious day by day. As delegate, I’m also co-chair of UUP’s state-wide Teacher Education Committee, advocating for our interests before NYSED. I’d be honored to have your vote. Thank you!

Kevin Saunders

It has been an honor and privilege to serve as your Professional Faculty Delegate for the past 12 years. My journey with SUNY New Paltz began in 1999, and as a lifelong resident of New Paltz with both undergraduate and graduate degrees from this institution, I am deeply connected to our community.

My involvement with the union started in 2011 on the chapter membership committee. Currently, I serve on the UUP statewide committees for The Future of Public Higher Education, Constitution and Governance, and Ethics. If re-elected, I am committed to continuing my service with dedication and integrity.

Roderick Schnier [WRITE-IN]

Thank you for the consideration of the union delegate opportunity.  I’ve been at SUNY NP and a member of UUP for the past 18 months.  Prior to that I had a 35-year career where I held positions of; front line employee, engineer, mid-level and senior management.  My experience has led me to understand that even if it is entrenched in the culture, organizations are incapable of individual consideration or empathy.  Only humans can share human emotions.  When individuals are in the greatest personal need, this is when there are the most heinous failures from organizations.  Union representation fills that gap and serves the single person as well as the collective community.  Having someone with a management background, years of experience navigating group, individual and organization interaction on all levels will help support the UUP direction and mission and help support the success of our campus members.  Thank you again for your consideration.

Academic Delegates

Cesar Barros-Arteaga

Anthony Dandridge

My name is Anthony Dandridge, and I am running for the position of Academic Delegate here at SUNY New Paltz within UUP.  With decades of experience in academia, I have dedicated myself to advocating for the rights and welfare of our faculty and staff, while striving to enhance our working conditions and educational standards.

As a committed educator and an active member of our community, I understand the challenges we face in higher education, from securing fair pay and benefits to ensuring academic freedom and equity issues. My background in Black Studies combined with my involvement in several campus initiatives, has equipped me with a unique perspective and the skills necessary to represent you effectively.

I ask for your vote to allow me the honor of representing you and your interests as we move forward. Let’s work together to make a significant impact! Union Strong!!! 

Salvatore Engel-DiMauro

As UUP New Paltz Chapter delegate, I aim to press UUP leadership to prioritise raising wages and benefits for the lowest paid among us (full-time and especially part-time) and to uphold and fight for the welfare and rights of non-citizen and LGBTQI+ UUP members and their loved ones (as priority, given current conditions, but also as part of upholding all UUP members’ rights and welfare). I will also aim to press UUP leadership to take a clear stand in defence of UUP members’ right to critique US foreign policies and especially to force the Governor and SUNY (and/or any other administrative organ responsible for repressing UUP members’ right to express critique) to bring redress for UUP members brutalised by police or threatened in any way on account of manifesting dissent against US foreign policies.

Brian Obach

I have been active with the UUP since I was hired at SUNY over 25 years ago. I have directed my energies towards projects and programs that I view as essential to the success of our union, from mobilizing members on campus to lobbying in Albany to protesting SUNY budget cuts. Most recently I helped to form the statewide Environmental Issues and Advocacy Committee, which I have co-chaired since its founding three years ago. The committee is designed to improve sustainability on SUNY campuses, to protect worker health and safety, and to lend a union voice to struggle to advance a just and sustainable economy. As an elected delegate I am able to more effectively carrying out this work. I welcome your support.

Gowri Parameswaran

Matt Pilek

Madeline Veitch

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