Category Archives: Uncategorized

Public Service Loan Forgiveness: How UUP Helped an Adjunct Dismiss $58K in Loans!

An interview with Kimberly Ruth, Adjunct Lecturer in Digital Media and Journalism UUP: What was your loan situation after completing your degree? How much did you owe? KR: Tuition for my graduate degree was $44,000. I was accepted into my … Continue reading

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Individual Development Awards Update

The application process for the IDAs (Individual Development Awards)–a benefit for UUP members negotiated in our statewide Collective Bargaining Agreement– for 2023-24 closed on March 1. (We are unfortunately unable to accept any late applications.) In this current round, 96 applications were … Continue reading

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UAW President calls for ceasefire

“The only path forward to peace and social justice is a ceasefire.” — #UAW President Shawn Fain today in D.C.#StandUpUAW #1u — UAW (@UAW) December 14, 2023

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